Monday, January 03, 2011

Not A Good Start

We had a good New Year's Eve over here.

Our friends Larry and Linda came over New Year's Eve and we planned on alcohol and playing games. The alcohol remains unopened and there were no games played! We ended up watching movies and at least two of us fell asleep during the movies! That's ok though. It was a good night and we were all awake to watch the ball drop. Yes, it was a very good night. Quiet night with good friends. Can't beat that.

I thought all was ok in my world but let me tell you, after that, the year has not been stellar!

My friends in Ripley New York always told me that we all take turns being in a barrel. That's where the bad stuff happens. Well, I think I'm in that barrel! That's ok though. Maybe I can get all the not so good stuff out of the way early this year and the rest of the year can be smooth sailing! Here's hoping anyway.

This morning, for the first time since November 12th, I got on the scale. Now, I know I wasn't eating perfectly and the exercise program became non-existent. That's ok, though. I was still eating my damn spinach salads so of course I was still doing well, right? In spite of eating the cookies, the breads, the pastas. Spinach salads should negate all of that, right? I honestly thought I was maintaining my weight. Wrong! The scale today told me that I gained TWELVE pounds in like 45 days. DANG. I went from a total weight loss of 64 pounds to only 52 pounds. That is one heck of a let down. I am really disappointed in myself. I know I haven't gained all of it back yet but let me tell you, I'm on my way. It's a good thing resolutions started the other day. Just in the nick of time!

That was the start of my day. Then I got to my car and tried to unlock the doors to put my stuff in the back seat. Yeah, nothing. The doors were NOT unlocking. (yes, I lock the car doors even though the car is parked in the garage!)

I remember on Saturday I actually started cleaning after taking the dusty picture for the blog! I scrubbed the kitchen, mud room and basement stairs. Hey, it's a start. Anyway, on the kitchen counter was the registration tag for my car. I thought before I "put it away" or bury it or throw it away, I better just go out and put it on my car. And, that's what I did. Then I sat in my car, turned on the map light so I could dig around in my glove compartment to look for the pouch I have to hold my registration and insurance card. Taking out the old registration and putting in the new, I got out of my car, locked it up and closed up the garage. There my car sat from Saturday until Monday morning, with that map light on! Argh! Battery was dead as a door nail!

I swore a bit (ok, a lot!), came in and asked Ron if he'd put the battery charger on my car. The way it's in the garage, I can't get another car close enough to jump the battery and I have quite a drop into my garage so there is no way we're pushing the car out of the garage. The battery charger is my only option. I really need to learn how to use that myself one of these days. Well, Ron was still snug in bed and didn't relish the thought of getting out of bed, getting dressed and putting the charger on my car. Plan "B" was for me to take Ron's van, he'd get to my car later, and then he'd bring my car to me later in the afternoon. Taa daa! Plan "B" was a success!

Then, the weirdest part of today. There have been like three or four times in my life where I have experienced something that all I can call it is deja vu. I know you're going to think I'm crazy but suddenly I get a feeling that I have just done this (whatever "this" is) very recently and I know how it's going to turn out. I know that sounds harmless and I really can't explain it better than that, but the result is that I have a terrified feeling. Suddenly, my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest and I am very nauseous. That happened to me twice today, once while sitting at my desk at work and once when I was driving home. It is just the weirdest thing.

So there you go. Not the best start to a new year, but also, not the worst! I made it home safe and sound, and I don't plan on going anywhere. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to go to bed and wait for tomorrow to be an easier day.

Now just to make me smile, a picture of Benny from yesterday, stretching out on my foot stool I can't believe how BIG he's getting!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Well, that was quite a day!! And you did learn some lessons??? 1) Back your car into the garage for easy access to the battery!! 2)Don't panic over the unknown, even if it's deja vue!! That way you won't have panic attacks where you heart pounds so hard!! 3)Did you enjoy yourself over the holidays? Now get back on the plan and continue the diet plan. No harm done, but just have to get on track. You are tempted with all the good things you love at holiday time. Temptations are gone for now, and you will get back on track and lose another 52 pounds in the next 45 days.

Any more Problems???? I'll be happy to give you all the free advise I can, since we told you about the barrell!!