Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quiet Night/Bad Night

It's been a weird week, I think it's the rain.

Tuesday night was a normal quiet night at our house. After work, I emptied the refrigerator and made leftovers for dinner. It was an eclectic mix of some pork steak, some flank steak, a little meatloaf and whatever else I could find in there. It was actually a good dinner!

I did up the dishes, walked on the treadmill for awhile, then showered and hunkered down to watch TV and crochet. I put my crocheting down months ago and just haven't gotten around to it again. That's one of the bad things about having to work again for a living. My personal life and hobbies really suffer! But, I digress.

See? A quiet night. Nothing that should have induced the horrible dreams I had yet again. The big one this night had to do with my sister Cathie in California.

It was such a weird dream that I don't think I could even explain it in writing. Plus, the more time that goes by, the less vivid this dream gets. However, the point of the dream was that I caused Cathie to break both of her shin bones. Even in my dream, it was an accident. We both had to jump down from this walkway. Before you ask, I have no idea where we were or why we had to jump down. I jumped first. Once down on the ground, I went to raise this bar thingie up so that Cathie could hold on to it for her jump. Unfortunately, she had already started to jump when I lifted the bar, so the bar got her right across both shins. I can still see her with two broken legs, trying to stand up, telling me "I'm ok!" I guess I had a little Monty Python moment in my dream. You know, it was just a flesh wound.

Anyway, now that I'm typing it doesn't sound so bad, but at four o'clock in the morning when this wakes me up, and I can still HEAR her bones breaking in my head, ugh, that was not a good morning.

Even with the three hour time difference, it was still the middle of the night for her. I don't want phone calls in the middle of the night and since it wasn't technically an emergency, I didn't call her like I wanted to. No use in both of us losing sleep that night.

Finally, I ended up emailing her work email as her personal email goes right to her phone. Darn this technology some days! I emailed her at work, told her I had a terrible dream and to please call me as soon as she got to work so I knew she was ok. I know it was just a dream but man oh man, something in it felt real, like she was really going to get hurt.

Luck was on her side! She did contact me when she got to work and said everything was ok in her world. Just to be on the safe side, I said she should stay far away from me for the rest of the day, for her own safety!

I've been posting recently about some strange dreams I've been having. Lisa suggested that I get a book on dream interpretation or look it up on line. I took her advice.

Sometimes those interpretations get more and more confusing the more you read them. I think what it all boils down to is all dreams mean one of two things. It either has to do with a problem in your life that needs to be resolved or it has to do with sex.

That being said, I'm not EVEN going to tell y'all about the dream last night where the cat was eating the killer bug in my old bedroom at my parent's house, or the one where the black and white rabbit was stealing food from my fridge, or the one where I had to feed a hungry dog by hand and I was afraid to get my fingers too close to his teeth.

Hmm. Maybe last night's problem is just that celery and carrot sticks as a snack suck and I was hungry!

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