Monday, April 23, 2007

Thanks, Jo!

I am in the middle of an audit in Buffalo. The only bright spot of this audit is the fact that my niece, JoBeth, lives only about an hour away in Rochester. She was nice enough to invite me over for a visit with her and her family. I’m no dummy, you know. A free meal plus family love is definitely a winning combination.

Last Wednesday after work, I programmed her address into my Garmin and away I went. What a great evening! Her husband Brad cooked one of my favorite dinners; bean casserole. Good thing I slept alone that night – the beans were awesome!

Isaiah and Noah were both getting over a case of the creeping cruds, so it took a little while for them to warm up to me. But after a warm up period I think all went great. When is the last time you played with Playdoh??? Whatever amount of time it has been, I’m sure it’s been too long. I haven’t played with Playdoh for probably 35 years. Man, I didn’t remember what I was missing! I was able to confirm that I am not very creative, although I am pretty fantastic in worm making. Yeah baby, I can make worms with the best of them. Brad was the bomb in the mushroom and poop making. Hey, we all gotta have talents. Mine? Worms!

We got to draw too. Isaiah, Noah and even JoBeth herself drew me pictures to put on my refrigerator. No one should have a naked refrigerator. I meant to take pictures of the artwork to post on here, but my weekend went by too quickly. I’ll try to add them later.

So, Jo, a special thank you goes out to you and your family. You guys definitely made my week! Thanks for that!

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