Friday, April 20, 2012

Squares, Photo Challenge

Some days you just need a little extra time to finish a challenge!

I took this challenge literally.  I was amazed how many rectangles I found, but very few squares!  I had to search high and low.  After so much searching here is what I have.

I noticed that the door to my gas cap on my dirty car was square!  Hey, that counts, right?

This is an object d'art or something like that.  This was in a public place and I sat there and snapped some pictures.

Actually I am cheating a little bit since the actual wall hanging was tilted so that it was actually a diamond!  But what is a diamond if not a square that can't stand straight!

Whatever.  Squares.

Last is the clock in my dining room.  Definitely a square.

Squares.  I know Georgia had a very unusual take on this challenge!  And Lisa went out there and found a gem in town that was full of squares.  Go check them out!

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