I made the drive by myself this time. It was a great day for travel as the weather was close to perfect and the colors were awe inspiring along I-90. What I could have done without was the construction, but as we all know in this part of the country, it's one of our seasons: Winter, spring and construction.
Just before I hit the PA line, I saw signs for the next construction zone. I do try to be a law abiding citizen, so when the signs started to tell me to slow down due to upcoming construction, I actually slow down. I guess the car behind me wasn't happy with that because he got into the left lane and blew my doors in going around me. By the way, he chose to pass me just after that sign that said "Do Not Pass". Whatever.
Before I could get indignant over the pass, I hear sirens! The Catholic guilt in me immediately thought he must be after me! I slowed even more, the Conneaut Police passed me, and then proceeded to pull over the guy that just blew by me! Bonus! Bad day for him but it made me smile!
Once I got into Pennsylvania, I had to stop at the rest stop. I don't think my bladder knows how to go past this rest stop without stopping! So, I went in, marked my territory and went to pull back out. First, I saw this gorgeous tree! I know it's lame to take pictures at a road side rest, but I had to stop and grab a picture!
From the rest stop, the first place I went to was Calvary Cemetery down on West 8th Street. My brother, Jim, met me here so that we could pay our respects to our Mom, and then we were headed for lunch. It was a warm day but I guess the geese were needing a rest on the warm pavement! I actually had to proceed with caution so as not to have goose guts all over my car! Dang things did not want to move!
Jim and I had a nice lunch somewhere out on West 26th Street, west of the airport. I don't remember the name of the place but the food was very good and the staff was excellent! Especially when a couple of the servers helped me gang up on Jim! Girl power! You're never too old to argue with your siblings!
Then we headed home. Jim said he'd follow me (what is up with that?!) as he didn't think I could get lost going straight across 26th Street. Well, I might not have gotten lost, but between trying to see all of the sights along the way (not much is the way I remember it!) I got in the wrong lane a few times. Luckily, Jim had my back and would leave a hole in front of himself for when I'd quit daydreaming and realize I'm in a turn lane when I shouldn't be. Dang, I used to know that town like nothing, including which lane I should be in. Not any more!
One of the main reasons for heading into town was to see my Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary is my Mom's sister and she was our second Mother. Friday, October 29th is Aunt Mary's birthday, so I wanted to go in and celebrate with her. I hit the trifecta as two of her other sisters had also stopped over to play cards with Aunt Mary! I don't know who was winning, but they did put the cards down for awhile to visit. That is HUGE in this family!
First, my darling Aunt Mary, who really didn't want her picture taken!
How can you not want your picture taken when you're that cute? From Aunt Mary, I just went around the table for a photo op. Luckily, Jim was there to take our pictures! Thanks, bro. First up, Aunt Helen:
Next, my Aunt, Sister Margaret. (we dressed like twins that day!)
I had a great visit, catching up with the Aunts, some family stories and rehashing the past. Good times. And, in goofing off, I tried another long arm shot of me and Jim. I think I got a great shot of up my nose!
I also had plans to catch up with my friends, Ruth and Jeff, from Ripley New York! We have been friends for more years than I am going to admit here in public. But trust me when I say it's been YEARS!
Way back when, a few lifetimes ago, when I lived in Erie, Ruth and I would make plans to do lunch once a month. Without fail, the first Wednesday of the month, Ruth and I would meet at Ponderosa on Buffalo Road, under the light! We'd meet at 11:00 am, just when they opened, and we'd each park under the light pole in their parking lot. Hey, it was our thing. I remember that the State Police were often in there as well for lunch and we (at least I would!) ogle the guys in uniform! We loved our Wednesday lunches at Ponderosa! But, I digress.
We had decided to meet Saturday night at Ponderosa. I got there first and since we're there for dinner, our usually parking spots are taken. I went down the row and took the first available which was next to a big pick up truck. So I could watch for them to come in, I had backed into the spot. Usually I am MUCH better at that, but Saturday night I sucked at backing in!
Once my car was parked, I realized that the pick up stuck out so far, I couldn't see anyone coming in and I was sure they'd never see me. So I got out of my car and was going to stand by the door to wait. As soon as I got out of my car, I saw how bad my park job was. I was crooked and over the line! I hate it when people do that! I can't believe I didn't straighten out my car, but I didn't.
So, I'm standing at the door waiting. Before I know it, Ruth and Jeff pull in! They end up parking right next to me, and Jeff backed in like I did. At first, he backed in properly. You know, straight and between the lines. Then Ruth looked at how I was parked and I know she had to say something to Jeff that since I don't know how to park, she's not going to be able to get out of her door! So, Jeff pulled forward, and then backed in again. He was a little crooked and he was over the line on his side! Sweet! Just like me!!
There were huge hugs right there in the parking lot. Both Ruth and Jeff are much taller than I am. When we got done hugging, my good friend Ruth says to me "wow, you are really getting gray on top!" Thanks for noticing! Yes, it takes a lot of love for someone to take that comment in stride! How could I be mad though? She's right! I AM getting very gray on top! She's just one of the few people that can see it!
We three went into our old haunt and chowed like the old days. There is so much talking to be done that I dare you to eat a meal there in under an hour! Ruth and Jeff both ordered dinners and they actually were brought to the table before our first trip to the salad bar! Ruth and I always had the same problem on our first Wednesday lunches too! So much to gab about, so little time.
Here is me and Jeff:
And then I moved to the other side of the table so he could get me and Ruth!
We got our server to try to get a group shot. She was a much better server than she was a photographer! But she did it with gusto!
It was all good. We had a ball.
When we finally gave up our table and headed out, I had to laugh. There in the middle of Pennsylvania, our cars from Ohio and New York, were the only ones in the parking lot that didn't know how to freakin' park! Ouch! Good thing we're cute!
Ruth asked if I could find my way home or if they needed to lead me to I-90. Hey! In spite of the fact that I had to ask Jim how to find Lawrence Park, I thought I knew how to find my way home! Besides, I had my Garmin in the car, I was jiggy.
We hugged good bye, I got in the car and turned the Garmin on, just in case. It's a darn good thing I did too! When Nagle Road ended at Station Road, that came back to me. I knew I needed to turn left, I still thought I was ok. Then the damn Garmin said something about turning onto the Bayfront extension or something like that. What the hell is that? THAT road was never there when I lived there! Yeah, ok, so I needed the Garmin to find my way home. But at least I did find my way home.
Thanks to brother Jim for carving out some of the day for me and for Ruth and Jeff for agreeing to dinner plans with very little notice. I had a great day!
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