The other day, I went to the front lobby to water the plants and I see our one good healthy plant got way too top heavy and sort of fell over! It's a beautiful, lush, vibrant plant, but the top is just too heavy for the trunk to hold up. It fell, but it's still blooming and gorgeous.
This poor tree used to be over six feet tall and now with the bend in the trunk it's about four feet tall. Healthy other than that little problem!
Then there is the plant next to it. Here is what I see on the floor as I go to check out the next plant.
Hey! No dying on my watch! That is NOT allowed! I'm in charge of watering, dammit! I took this responsibility seriously! I not only water, but I talk to them every morning when I come in! Um, maybe I should have just typed that part in my head and not on the blog. Oh well.
I don't know much about plants but I know that when all of their stuff falls to the floor that's not a good thing. At least that's what I thought. Then I looked closer at this little tree and I see new buds of growth everywhere!
How bad can all of those dead leaves be when they are followed by all of that new growth? I think I should be in the clear for killing this plant. I think it's just playing a joke on me.
So, plants watered, pictures taken for the blog, only thing left is to sweep up the floor. I am the only one at work that believes in doing that, to the point that I went out and bought my own broom and dust pan! After I swept up all of the dead leaves and other debris on the floor, I was getting ready to put my stuff away and get back to work. Then I saw something on the floor that I must have missed. I grabbed my broom and dust pan and THIS is what I saw:
It was a good inch long and I think it was dead. Holy crap, what is this? It has too many legs to be a spider but not enough to be a centipede. The two leggy looking things coming off the top of his head seemed to be in a fighting stance. If this f-er would have started moving while I was taking this picture, you would have heard me in California screaming! This thing actually made a splash in the toilet when I dropped him in. I not only flushed a few times, but I stood there and made sure he wasn't coming back up.
I'm telling you, Mike and I so need to have a talk about the working conditions around here! I need to inspect the toilet before I go in there as I have visions of this thing coming back up through the pipes to get me! How can I be expected to work with a mutant monster bug?
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