
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hey Time Warner Cable, I've Already Fired You. Now Please GO AWAY!

One of my guilty pleasures is my love of my television.  I spend a lot of money on my cable bill because I LOVE my DVR! 

The only thing I watch live on TV is sports.  Baseball games, football games, boxing.  Anything else, I want to tape it and watch it later so I can fast forward through the commercials.  I know, it's the little things that make me happy!  This is one of the monthly bills that I happily pay and don't complain.  I get what I want and I'm willing to pay for it.

I'm sure I've blogged before about my issues with Time Warner Cable.  My ex used to work out of the house and he was online all day long.  The internet used to go out on a daily basis which made it very difficult for him to work. 

My DVRs would NOT record.  For every 10 programs I set to record, I'd be lucky if one of them actually recorded. 

Their customer service department is famous.  They are famous for how horrible they are at service!  I hounded them and hounded them.  I have had more technicians here and all of my equipment has been replaced more times than I can count.  Finally, I fired Time Warner Cable and replaced them with Direct TV.  One of the best things I ever did.

To get the internet portion corrected, I had to go to a town hall meeting at City Hall and explain in front of City Council to a representative of Time Warner Cable all I had gone through to try to get them to fix their crap.  I went on and on with all of the appointments, all of the replacement of hardware and to that day the internet was still going out on a daily basis.  That finally got SOMEthing done.

In a few days, I had numerous Time Warner Cable trucks parked up and down my street.  There was more than one employee up a pole checking on their lines.  Finally, after all that time, they found a problem with THEIR equipment on a pole down the street. 

The fact that I was continually complaining and making them come to the house to check it out didn't make it important enough to actually fix it.  It took a town hall meeting to get action.  Ridiculous.

Anyway, TWC is now going balls to the wall to try to get my business back.  I am receiving letters from them every 10 to 14 days.  They are very official looking, stating to be "from the desk of Michael Diamond, Senior Vice President, Marketing".  Fancy, huh?

Mr. Diamond gives me more information that I need, except for HIS phone number or ANY address.  It's a sales pitch and the only number on the business card attached or in the letter itself is the number to call to activate service.  No where to call and ask them to leave me alone.

I did call that number they provided probably two or three letters ago.  I explained very nicely that I was not happy with their service or product.  I asked them to take me off of their mailing list as I was not interested.  Even though I was assured they would stop the letter campaign, their word is as good as it always was.

So, here is my response to Mr. Michael Diamond, Senior Vice President, Marketing:

Mr. Diamond:

I fired Time Warner Cable years ago.  Your service is unreliable, your products didn't work.  I am thrilled with my service from Direct TV to the point that if your cable was FREE, I would not let you back in my house.  Please just go away.

A much happier customer now that I'm an ex-customer

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