
Monday, November 09, 2015

Thank You St. Anthony!

Even a fallen away Catholic remembers old prayers in time of crisis.

Sunday, I was outside raking leaves.  In my neighborhood, I never leave any doors open when I'm outside.  The door to the house is closed and locked.  The garage door also stays closed, even if I'm right there.  I keep the garage door opener usually hooked onto the front of my shirt.

I started raking in the back of the house.  I had gathered all the leaves up in a lawn and garden bag and when full, I carried it and dumped it on the tree lawn.  Supposedly, the city is supposed to come vacuum them up from there.

I had already carried one lawn and garden bag of leaves to the front and dumped it.  I've filled up the second bag, and I was just getting ready to carry that bag to the front.  Suddenly, I realized the garage door clicker is NOT hooked on to the front of my shirt.  Shit.

By now there is a good pile of leaves on my tree lawn.  I am overwhelmed and I don't know where to start.  I figured before I dumped the second bag into the mix, I need to go through ALL of the leaves out front and look for my garage door opener.

I grabbed my rake, and begged St. Anthony to help me find my garage door opener.  I had visions of someone walking by, finding the opener and emptying out my garage in 10 minutes flat.  Hey, someone had done it before, without the garage door opener.  I'm trying to figure out how to shut the electricity off to the garage should I not be able to find it!

"Please, St. Anthony, please help me find the garage door opener!  Please, I know you've helped me before, please come help me again!"  Like I said, even fallen away, I remember the go-to guys!

I moved that whole pile of leaves two feet over, a little bit at a time.  It took me a long time but right at the end of the pile . . . there it was!  Oh, thank you St. Anthony!!

Uh, St. Anthony . . . don't go too far away.  I'm not done yet!

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