
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

As Long as I'm Complaining . . .

I gotta tell you, all of this bitching about a Starbucks cup is beyond asinine.

Here's the story as I know it:

Every year during the holidays, Starbucks changes their regular looking coffee cup, whatever that might be, with a "holiday cup".  This year's cup is . . . are you ready???  RED.

A RED cup.  And people are offended that it's not Christmasy or Holiday enough.  Seriously??

It's a red cup.

It's a business.

It's a business with a red cup.

No matter how I rearrange the words, I can't find anything that offends me.

Starbucks made a business decision to make THEIR holiday cup theme this year . . . red.  That is creating hoopla.  You have got to be kidding me.  Idiots are actually offended by a red cup for the holidays!

Here is my opinion.  Starbucks is a business and they are within their rights to make decisions about their business in whatever way they choose.  If they want their cups to be red, white, blue, have a Christmas tree, some holly, a menorah, a horse, a dog, a rainbow, a partridge in a pear tree.  It's THEIR decision.  If this offends you, don't go there!

Personally, the price they charge for a cup of coffee offends me.  My response is that I just don't go there.  I don't give a crap what color their stupid cup is or what decorations are on it!

If this really offends you, just don't go there.  And once you're done having your hissy fit, open your eyes, read a newspaper, watch the news, just look around.  There are real things happening all too often out there that are way more offensive that what color cup your overpriced coffee comes in.

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