
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cathie Came to Visit!

And she sure as heck beats our visit by Hurricane Sandy!

My sister Cathie has been in town for a visit.  I have a bunch of stuff to blog about, I just haven't had any time to sit down and blog about it.  Let's try to get caught up on all of the fun stuff.

To start with, I was to pick her up at the airport last Friday the 2nd.  I've done that many times before.  I've been to that airport a BUNCH of times and thought I knew my way around it well enough.  Believe it or not, I was wrong.

In case you haven't met me, I'm a bit of a control freak, aside from being anal retentive.  When I pick up Cathie, I expect things to go a certain way.  In my mind, the CORRECT way to pick up Cathie (or anyone else coming in) is for ME to get to the airport first and be waiting for my party at the bottom of the steps into baggage claim.  I would have already looked at the incoming board so I know on which carousel will be their luggage.  That's how things SHOULD go.

That Friday, things went terribly wrong!  I was at the airport on time, but somehow when I went to pull into the hourly parking garage, somehow I entered through the wrong entrance.  For real, of all the times I pulled into that lot, I didn't know it was POSSIBLE to go into the wrong door!  All I know is that suddenly I was on like the third floor instead of the ground floor.  I probably could have made my way into the airport from the third floor of the parking ramp but that is NOT the way I roll.  I know how to find my way from the ground floor so that is where I needed to be.

That was easier said than done.  I got LOST in the freakin' parking ramp!  For real, does this crap happen to anyone BUT me?!!  I couldn't find my way DOWN to save my life.  I can't call Ron as I didn't think he'd be able to help me from home.  I couldn't turn the GPS on because what the heck.  I was AT the airport, the job of the GPS is NOT to find me the ground floor!  I went through a half of a tank of gas trying to find the DOWN ramp.  I saw a ton of signs that said "to parking" but hardly any that said "exit".  When I did find an "exit" sign, the sign immediately after it was "to parking".  What a vicious cycle.  Finally, I found my known territory and parked the car on the ground floor. 

I walk the mile walk to baggage claim.  I look on the monitor to figure out which carousel I need, go there and see a few people milling around.  Good, I didn't miss anything.  I found a chair right by the carousel, sat down and texted Cathie with "I'm at the airport.  I am by carousel 4" to which she replied something like "good!  I'm outside having a cigarette!"  WHAT?!!  How could I have missed her!  So I went running back outside and taa daa!  There was my sister!  I am sorry, sister that I wasn't there to meet you in baggage claim as soon as you came down the steps.  Bad sister than I am!

There you have Cathie not even in my car yet, and I had a story for the blog.

Then the real fun started on Saturday.  I had planned for everyone to come to my house for a fish fry.  One of Cathie's favorite things is Lake Erie Perch which you can't get in California.  Ron worked hard all summer catching that perch so it was going to be up to us to eat it all! 

I had brother Jim come in from Erie and brother Mike and his wife came over for the party too.  We fried up a bunch of the perch and even some hot dogs for the non perch eaters in our family (I'm talking to you, Jim and Phil!!).  We fried up a LOT of perch!

That is a huge platter of some perch!  My thanks and this shout out goes to everyone that helped with dinner!  If I ever invite you over for supper, don't think you're going to come over and take it easy and just be fed.  Everyone had to help put this feast together and for that, I thank you.  Everyone seemed thrilled to pitch in to put this all together.  We had the perch, some spaghetti squash, some hot dogs and my sister-in-law brought a FABULOUS squash soup.  I have the recipe, so when I make it, I will blog about it.  That was too good not to be shared. 

First one ready to eat was Phil!  You gotta love a man who is ready to chow down!

Then a couple of shots of my whole family, getting ready to enjoy family time and a great meal.

That was a great start to Cathie's east coast vacation.  I would also like to thank Hurricane Sandy for getting the heck out of the way so that Cathie's trip went on without a hitch.  We were on a day to day basis to see if her flights were even going to fly.  Not only was she able to fly, she had nothing but good weather while she was here.  Can't ask for more than that!

Like I said, there is more to blog about so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Well, I think your sister enjoyed the little cigarette break and she knows how welcome she is, even if you missed her at first. Funny story! And: Wow! Such a delicious meal. I would have sat at the table ready to chow down like Phil if I were there!
