
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

A couple of weekends ago, I asked Phil for a big favor.  Mainly I needed him and the room in his van.

I wanted to make a relatively big purchase.  Without going into too much detail right now (since this WILL be its own blog soon!) I asked Phil to take the back seat out of his car and take me shopping.  I wanted to buy something that wasn't going to fit in my trunk.

Phil, always happy to help, was in for my adventure.  As I've blogged before, if I'm spending any money at certain stores, I like to go to Giant Eagle first and buy gift cards.  That way, I can get fuel perks and then buy discounted gas at Giant Eagle.  If I'm spending the money any way, I might as well work it so I can get those fuel perks!  I just got $1.70 off of my last tank of gas, so I'm good at playing that game! 

Anyway, since I have Phil booked for a couple of hours for his muscle and for the space in his van, I thought I'd take full advantage of it.  We left the house and I wanted to head to Giant Eagle to go buy me some gift cards.  I bought the gift cards for Home Depot as planned, but I figured as long as I was buying and as long as we were going shopping, I'd buy another gift card for Kohls, too!  I deserved something new and I really needed new jeans!

I am in the check out line when it hit me.  I didn't have MY Giant Eagle card on me so I couldn't get the fuel perks!  OUCH!  That's why I had Phil drive all the way to Giant Eagle so I could get the dang fuel perks!  UGH!  I was so mad at myself!  I can't have the cashier look up my account by my phone number since I never put my phone number in the account.  That has been rectified since this fateful day.  AND, for being a good brother offering up his muscle AND his car, he got to suck up my fuel perks.  See?  No good deed goes unpunished!  Or something like that!

Oh well.  Phil got paid for running me around, I bought new jeans AND a Christmas tree!!  There, the cat is out of the bag.  My very first Christmas tree.  There will be more about this to come.  I'm excited!

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