
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More of Cathie's Vacation

On to the next installment from Cathie's vacation!

On Saturday after breakfast at Pete's, Ron, Cathie and I went and did some touristy things .  We started out down at Hot Waters to see the remnants from Hurricane Sandy.  Who doesn't love to take a shot of the lighthouse?  The clouds that day were just phenomenal.  While the sun was out, a storm was still hanging out over us not quite ready to leave yet.

I was surprised that the water was as calm as it was since it was really windy that day.  Lisa told me about the dock being broken so I had to get a shot of that.  This is a launch for boaters to put their boats in the water.  Hopefully they get that fixed soon.

Then, since it was so windy, I thought I'd put my camera on the roof of my car to try to stablelize it.  I own a couple of tripods.  I didn't use one here as you can see.  While I didn't get the shot I thought I would get, I like what I got by accident!

From Hot Waters we headed over to Spitzer Marina.  I had read in the newspaper that the brick walkway was demolished and I wanted to see for myself.  Man, they weren't kidding.

No dead bodies here.  They just didn't want anyone walking down the pier.  Darn me and my fear of authority!  The police line tape was barely knee high!  I easily could have walked over it to get better pictures and I chickened out.  Boo!

From what I could see from here, the pier was devastated.

From what I understand, this is not the first time the bricks have been washed away by the weather.  A little to the right of where I am standing to take this picture were what looked like stacks of replacement bricks.

I hope they figure out a better way to glue them down before they put them all in again.  It's a shame, it was a beautiful walkway.  They will rebuild it . . . I just hope they rebuild it better than before. 

On Sunday after breakfast at Pete's (can you tell we love Pete's??  Go there and order the blueberry pancakes.  YUM!), Ron, Cathie, my brothers Jim and Phil and I headed out to do some more touristy things.  Since I've taken pictures at the raptor center and the waterfall behind the Elyria police station numerous times before, AND posted them to the blog, I handed my camera over to my brother Jim.  He was nice enough to allow me to use his pictures, and since he got a few shots that I never did, I am taking him up on his offer!

It was a gorgeous day that Sunday, a good day for being out taking pictures.  Jim was able to shoot a couple of the raptors that I've never been able to get good shots of.  So I am posting a few of his pictures.  It's really hard to get a good shot with the cage bars in front of the birds!

Then to the waterfall.  I was anxious to see this since all the rain we had with the storm, I knew this waterfall would be crazy!  And I was not disappointed!  Jim got a great video of the power of the waster.   Believe it or not, by the time we got there, the water level had already gone down some.  I can't imagine what it looked like a few days before this!

As you can see, there was still a little color left on the trees here.  Not much, but a little!

And now, a couple of chilly sisters!  I didn't know Jim was taking our picture, or I'd have smiled and waved!

Wait until you see the next installment!  There was blood shed!  And it was MINE!!  I'm blaming my sister for that, but I still love her!


  1. Super pics again of the raptors and the waterfalls, Ree. Now you know how the logs and debris gets taken care of at the waterfall. Mother Nature always takes care of herself! So glad you and Cathie had such a great time! AND Yes....we love Pete's too!

  2. Mother Nature can come to my house and take away some of the debris too! If she's not too busy!!

    And, Pete's misses you guys. And so do I!

  3. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Thank you for these great pics and the waterfall video, thanks for taking us with you on this trip. I love the water and sky pics most. Looks after a lot of fun time with your sister!
