
Monday, June 02, 2008

Serves You Right

After a long time not blogging, what story do I have to come back with? A story about a dumbass driving a Ford!

I'm coming back from lunch today, and I'm driving in the right hand lane. The car that is two cars ahead of me is slowing down to turn into a parking lot on the right. This car can't turn right away since a pedestrian is walking on the sidewalk across the entrance to the lot. In my book, the pedestrian always has the right of way, so I have no problem waiting on the pedestrian to finish crossing the entrance for the first car to turn right into the lot.

Unfortunately, the truck in front of me didn't feel the same way. As soon as the first car started her turn into the lot, the truck decided to swerve to the left around her and screech out as fast as he could to let everyone know that he wasn't happy about being held up in his busy day.

Here is a word of advice to this idiot in the blue Ford truck.

Before you get a good case of road rage building up in you, either close the back gate to your pickup truck or don't have boxes of stuff right there at the edge in the back.

Yeah, you guessed it, he punched the gas and a huge box fell out onto the street. This is an extremely busy five lane street. He has now tied up the two westbound lanes with crap out of that box plus some short two by fours. The items in the box appeared to my untrained eye to be some plumbing parts of sorts or perhaps some couplings. They were definitely metal though so we're all lucky that box did miss my car as it came jumping out of the back of the truck!

Unfortunately, now we have two lanes of traffic going through one lane at a time to try to drive around all of the dangerous debris scattered across the road! Dumbass.

This idiot proceeded to turn into the second entrance to this lot so he could go pick up his crap. Yeah, served you right just for being an idiot.

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