
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brother Jim!

Yeah, I know, I'm a day late. Sorry about that brother. Doesn't mean I don't still love you!

Someone in our family officially turned old. I can only say that because no matter how old I am, everyone else is still older than me. Sometimes it helps to be the baby! Anyway, brother Jim left his 40s behind him. And we tried to help him send out those 40s like the family that we are.

Jim took a few days off from work and came to Ohio to have a little family time vacation. Now that I think about it, we probably suck in the excitement department. He came out on Tuesday night and so we celebrated with Ron pulling out the grill and cooking us some great picnic fare. We had sweet Italian sausage and hamburgers. The best part is that I didn't cook! Bonus for all of us!!

Wednesday was boys day. Jim and brother Michael had a guys night and it took everything in me not to call Jim like Dad would have and said "where are you and why aren't you home yet?" just before 11:00 at night!! I was the bigger person, realized Jim had his own key to our house and just left a light on for him and went to bed. He was here sleeping in the morning when I got up, so he must have made it home in one piece. He said that he had a good time, so that was a good night.

Thursday, Michael, Mary Jane, Jim, Ron and I all headed to dinner together before Jim headed back to Pennsylvania. The best part was that I bribed the waitress to make a huge scene for Jim's birthday! This restaurant unfortunately didn't do birthday ice cream or balloons or anything like that, but she said she would grab a bunch of servers and come over and sing really loudly. I thought that sounded like a great idea!

Sure enough, a little while later, she comes over with about four or five other servers, announced loudly that Jim over here was turning 50! The best part was a couple at the table next to us decided to celebrate with us. They kept up the singing after the servers finished their rendition of Happy Birthday! Jim was in the spotlight, much to his dismay! Hey, happy birthday brother.

And, thanks for coming to spend a few days with us. It's always a pleasure to see ya! Even if you are old! ;-)

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