
Friday, May 23, 2008

How Much Is A Key Worth?

Wednesday I started on site at a new audit.

Most of the work for this audit can be done in our local office, but for a few days, we will need to be on site at the client’s location pulling information.

Every company I’ve been to has its own quirks. I’ve been on the 10th floor with a window overlooking the lake and I’ve been locked in a room with three other women that don’t talk to each other and I’ve been relegated to a basement with the rats and spiders. You can see why I love this job, right?

Anyway, I was talking about quirks. This company has its own share of them. I went to the supervisor to ask a question Wednesday afternoon and I walked into her cubicle while she was “at lunch”. What was she doing at lunch? Playing Pogo! You just have to love anyone that plays Pogo. Heaven knows I spend my share of time playing on Pogo myself.

That wasn’t the quirk though, just an observation.

The quirk is their bathrooms.

You need your key card to get into the bathroom here! Since we are not going to be on site long, they have not issued us any security passes. We check in with the receptionist when we get here and she lets us in. Pretty easy except for the bathroom situation. Since we do not have key cards, we were issued old fashioned metal keys.

What possible reason could there be to have security locks on the bathrooms? The only scenario I can come up with is that they actually track who goes into the bathroom and when. There is no security pass to get out of the bathroom, but they sure do know when and how often you are in there! That is just wrong in my mind on so many levels!

Today my money making idea is this: I stand outside of the bathrooms with my assigned key and charge a fee to unlock the bathroom door. C’mon now - $5 just so Big Brother doesn’t know you have the runs or that you were retaining water or just need to walk away into a quieter environment! How much could my key possibly be worth in a day?

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