Saturday, February 20, 2016

Today = February 20, 2016. Right??

Every three months I change the filter in my furnace.

Why?  I don't know, it's a law or something.  Maybe just a rule.  All I know is the furnace filters say they are good for three months.  So, every three months, a new one gets popped in.  Not always in the right way, but I digress.  I just recently found out I've been putting them in backwards!  Whatever!  That's a whole other story!

When it's time to change the filter, I write the date on the side of the new filter so I know when to put the next one in.

I was down in the basement today.  Today, according to the calendar, my phone and this computer, is Saturday, February 20, 2016.  This is what my filter says:

In case you can't read that, it says 02/28/16.  What???  Today IS only the 20th, right???

It's been a rough year so far!  What in the heck was I thinking or did my flux capacitor switch to overdrive and I actually changed the filter next week?  It's mind boggling!

I'm assuming that I did this JANUARY 28th, not FEBRUARY 28th.  This now messes with my mind like I can't tell you.  This goes against everything I believe in, there is no order, dates are wrong, CDO (OCD but in alphabetical order like it should be) this just hurts me.  I'm not looking at it any more. 

Now I need someone to remind me around April 28, 2016 to change that bad boy again.

There's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Monday, February 08, 2016

Happy Birthday to ME!

It's no secret, I love my birthday!!  Why do I love my birthday?  Because I have great family and friends that remind me that I am loved, especially on my birthday!

I had a ton of phone calls, texts, emails, BIRTHDAY CARDS and Facebook messages.

Some birthday love:

You can't beat that kind of birthday love!  Unless it's with more family time!  The weekend after my birthday, I got together with family for lunch at one of my favorite places.  Good food and family.  That's a recipe for a great day, birthday or not!

Don't ask me to spell or pronounce what I had for lunch, but it was freakin' awesome!

I love my family.  The family that is mine by birth and blood and my family that is mine because they choose me.  I am one lucky woman.

Thank you to all for the messages, the positive vibes and all that good stuff.  It was a great birthday.

So, another year older.  I'm usually ok with that because I think it's better than the alternative!  But this year is different for me.  This is the year I turned 53.

Not a horrible number.  It's not turning a page on another decade.  It's just another year, the year between 52 and 54?  I'm now 53.

My sister Barbara died when she was 53.

My sister Barbara was a mentor, a role model, a friend.  Her passing was a shock and I still miss her every day.

As for the age of 53, I think now it's a superstitious thing.  When my sister Cathie turned 53, I was worried about her all year until she turned 54!  I didn't really think about it after that until I was knocking on the door of 53 myself!

I just had some dental surgery (next blog!) and don't think it's not on my mind about scheduling any kind of surgery when I'm 53!  I'm not normally a superstitious person but I think I kinda am on this point!

So, I'm 53.  I can't believe I'm going to say this, but c'mon 54!  I'm looking forward to meeting you!