Once again, I knew snow was coming. I thought I was better prepared for it this time. I was up and out the door early as I knew I would have to shovel. Holy crap what a pain in the butt. This was wet heavy snow and it was still raining/snowing to beat the band.
This is what I saw when I walked out of my door.
You can see how low that first tree is hanging. This snow was just so heavy.
I used to think this was beautiful. Yeah, I'm so over it this year.
I finished shoveling the driveway and I am literally soaked to the bone. But, I got in my car and started the drive to work.
I'm not sure if plows were out yet, it really didn't look like it. The roads were very slick and very slushy. I am getting myself worked into a tizzy just trying to get to the main road.
I know no one understands my aversion to being in a car any more. Some days it takes everything I have in me just to get from point "A" to point "B". What doesn't help is THIS idiot, who thought she was exempt from basic traffic laws. Like stop signs. She ran two of them, one of which almost had me T-boning her.
She obviously doesn't believe in brushing her car off, either. She is special. Maybe it's because she's driving a Ford, maybe it's because she's an idiot. I'm voting on the idiot part.
I think the only reason she stopped for this red light was because there was a pick up truck stopped in front of her! If anyone recognizes her, kick her in the shin for me. There was NO excuse for her to be driving like this, especially with school kids all around and she's running stop signs.
I could go on, but I'm having trouble reining in my swear words here.
So, I am heading to work when the radio passes on the wonderful information that we could get an additional five inches of snow during the day. Yeah, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I had a panic attack in the car. The thought of driving further into this, watching it get worse and then having to drive back home. I honestly couldn't do it. I called Mike and asked if I could take a vacation day. Once I got his blessing, I couldn't get my car turned around fast enough.
Before you go thinking I spent the day drinking wine and eating bon bons, that's not the way it was! Before all was said and done, I was out there shoveling out the driveway again!
I am SO done with this snow. For real. It better leave fast, I only have so many more vacation days!
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