
Sunday, August 03, 2014

This Ain't Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood

People have no manners.  I'm not sure when it became acceptable to drive down the street and throw your garbage out the window but that is all too common around here. 

Every few days, I go pick up the crap out of my yard.  I've talked before about some of the stuff I've found in my yard.  Fast food bags, liquor bottles, candy wrappers are all common.  More uncommon were the knife, crack, dip sticks (to check a car's oil), homework, utility bills.  Then we have the EWW factor items.

Before I mowed the lawn the other day I found this lovely item.

In case anyone can't tell, that is a neon colored condom.  While I know what it is, no, it's not mine.  This is exactly why I put a rubber glove on to pick up garbage. 

A few days later, this is what I found.

Um, perhaps since the condom "fell" out of the window, this option was needed.

I can't imagine being in a position where I would need to get rid of either of these items in such a hurry that I'd need to throw them out of a car window while the car was moving. 

Then again, maybe I'm just old.

And I get the heebie jeebies picking crap up out of my yard for a reason.

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