
Saturday, August 02, 2014

Finder's Keepers

The rule in my house has always been that if I find money in the washer or dryer, it's MINE. 

My brother Phil does his laundry every Friday.  I usually do my laundry on Saturday.  Sometimes, just to be nice, Phil will leave me a couple of quarters in the washer.  Hey, they're in my machines, they are mine now!

I went to do laundry last Saturday and as I was getting ready to throw my first load in the washer, I saw a folded bill towards the back of the washer.  I reached in and realized it was actually a few bills folded in half.  It came out to be a total of $48!  Now that's some cash!!

I grabbed the green and went to talk to Phil.  Because I am a nice person (hey, I am!) I took the money to Phil and told him that if he could tell me how much money he was missing, I'd give it back to him.

Phil had a vacant look on his face and said something like "I don't know, a dollar maybe"?  HA!  He wasn't even close!  When I showed him the load of cash he said "wow!  I thought I spent that!"

I talk a big game but I gave Phil his money back.  If it had only been a dollar or two we never would have had a conversation about it.  After all, my machines, my money.

I could bust Phil's chops about the cash but honestly, it was too much money to mess around with and I had to give it back.  For my honesty, Phil took me to breakfast on Sunday!  That just made that situation a win-win as far as I'm concerned.

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