
Monday, November 09, 2009

New Doesn't Mean Good

The other day, our faithful, old, Proctor Silex coffee pot bit the dust.

There was no warning; it just happened. Ron tried to make our morning pot of coffee and waited the appropriate ten minutes for it to complete the cycle and alas, only 1/3 of the pot was done and it was cold. Dang, this wasn't good. I believe Ron tried a little CPR or something but the old boy was finished.

Truth be told, I've had this coffee pot close to forever. It has to be at least 15 years old. It really did have a good life and has been a true and faithful companion/helper for all of that time. But when he blew, he blew.

Keep in mind, we are plain coffee drinkers. I don't do espresso or cappuccino or any of that. Plain old Maxwell House coffee in our plain old Proctor Silex coffee maker. No bells and whistles, just an on/off switch.

Ron headed to Target and came home with a lovely Mr. Coffee set up, no bells or whistles, just a nice pot to brew us some joe. Wow, were we wrong.

We have not had a good pot of coffee since we lost our old friend! I know seasoning has to have something to do with it but geez! I did clean the old pot often so it can't be that much seasoning in there! I run vinegar through the works now and again and the pot itself gets run through the dishwasher.

The new pot is the same size, a 12 cup pot, and it uses the same sized filters. I'm not sure what's up with the new contraption, but I miss my coffee. Waking up in the morning just isn't the same.

Just because it's new doesn't mean it's good. If anyone out there is making a good pot of coffee in the morning, please give us a call. We'll even bring our own mugs.

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