
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's A Start

As most of you know, I have been out of work for awhile. Ok, a long while; just over a year. A long freakin' time.

Not for the lack of trying though. I do send out resumes daily, I just can't get anyone to want to talk to me. What's up with that? I'm mostly a very nice person! I can be nice. Once in awhile anyway.

I fall into a niche that is hard to place lately in this employers' market. I have tons and tons of experience, but no piece of paper that says I have a degree. For some reason, many companies (my last employer included) would rather have that piece of paper versus some one that actually knows what they are doing.

But, I digress.

So here I am, humping for a job. I'm still geographically challenged as in it's too difficult to be in a car for long, but the 401k has already been cashed in and I need a freakin' job.

Now for the good news/bad news.

I finally have an interview tomorrow. Before you get too excited, it's only with a head hunter. And, one I've worked with before and not all that thrilled with, but desperate times call for desperate measures. They are one of the largest placement agencies in the accounting industry.

Now on to my dilemma. I have a two hour interview scheduled for tomorrow as they insist on testing all applicants. C'mon now, for real? Just talk to me face to face. I used to be able to talk with anyone about almost anything. But testing?

Have I mentioned that I've been out of work for over a year? Some days I don't remember my own name let alone the things I need to remember. I am too rusty to be tested about about how to spell my own name, let alone anything important.

Um, "T" accounts anyone? I don't think I could do one to save my life right now. Does it go from WIP into inventory? Out of cash into WIP? What is the dollar cut off that determines if you wire payroll taxes in 24 hours versus three days? Can I even spell general ledger anymore let alone manage one? Due diligence? Best practices? Huh? Me?

O M G. I am literally shaking in my boots (ok, actually socks) over here. I've been away too long and I'm terrified to jump back in. But, I need to do something.

If you can keep a happy thought or say a prayer or call in a few favors for me; please do what you can. I feel I need all the help I can get. I'll update you after the interview. Wish me luck!

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