I have been a big fan of the Harry Potter books for a long time now. As a matter of fact, in case no one noticed the list of what I'm reading lately, posted to the left, I am now reading the Harry Potter series from the beginning, for the third time. That is just some great writing!
I am now in the middle of the third of seven books. Even though I've read them twice before plus seen the movies, there is quite a bit I've forgotten. Regardless, since book six was recently released as a movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I've wanted to see it.
Saturday, Ron and I went to the movies! This movie has just come out in the last couple of weeks, so I was really surprised that there were only five of us in the theater! I waited a few weeks so that there weren't hundreds of people in the theater, but I expected more than five.
There was a lot of the story line I had forgotten, but there was still a lot that I remembered. It was a long movie and at this moment, I'm hard pressed to say if I liked it or not. There was a lot from the book that wasn't covered in the movie, obviously. But the dark feeling of the story line as well as the characters growing up I thought was captured very well.
I'm not sure how the reviews went on this movie. I thought it was kind of odd that when the movie was over, five or six kids came in to pick up the theater and make sure everyone leaves. A couple of them asked us if we enjoyed the movie. I said that yes, I did! And, if they heard anyone screaming, it was me!
They all guessed what part I screamed at, and they were all wrong. Without saying too much, when the hand came out of the water, (which I KNEW was going to happen!) I screamed like a little girl! Yeah, I belted out a good one. The ushers laughed, surprised that was the part that made me scream!
Yeah, I think I liked it. I don't know if I'd sit through another 2-1/2 hours to watch it again, but now I'm anxious to get to book six and read what really happened. Hopefully, when the hand comes out of the water in the book (and I KNOW it does!) I won't be screaming again.
Don't spoil it for me. I haven't seen the movie yet (but I have read the book). I remember the hand...and all I can say is..."Hurry, I'm scared!"