Friday I was doing a little cleaning around here. One of the things I was trying to get accomplished was washing the windows in the kitchen and the mudroom.
Most of the newer windows are made so that you can wash both the inside and outside of the windows from inside of your house. I pull the window up just a tad, slide a couple of clips and the window folds right down so I can wash the outside part. Nifty.
And, for as long as I can remember, whenever I had to clean, I had to turn on some music. Loud music. And, of course sing along. Well, "sing" is as close as I can get to what I actually do. Some have called it caterwauling. Whatever.
So, there I am, at the back of the house washing the mudroom window. The window is wide open, the boom box is playing loudly the soundtrack of Wicked and here I am trying (albeit unsuccessfully) to sing Defying Gravity. Whatever, I'm belting it out for what I'm worth.
Then, there he was.
The mailman puts our mail in the box on the side of the house. Then, he continues down our driveway, across the back of the house, through the yard and over to the houses on the side street next to us. As he was walking across the back of the house, he kinda stopped and looked at me. Perhaps he was trying to figure out if he should call 911 due to someone dying in the house! No, just me, trying to sing.
Um, sorry, mailman. I know at this moment he's probably still searching for some ear bleach. He may NEVER get that sound out of his head again! Too bad - I was having fun.
Ear Bleach? or was your mailman wondering where the cats in heat were going at it?