
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Screamed!

It was about 10:30 last night and Ron and I were in bed for the night with me already half asleep.

Then his work phone started ringing.

As much as I sometimes envy him with his job, last night was not one of those nights. At least I don't get woken up at all hours of the night and have to immediately throw on some clothes and be out the door.

Not being a good girlfriend last night, I said yeah, whatever, be careful, lock the door, see you in the morning. Then I rolled over and was probably asleep before he made it down the stairs. Hey, why should both of us miss sleep??

Then, before I knew it, something woke me up. I opened my eyes, noticed it was dark and quiet in the house and then I saw something. A MAN standing there, in the dark, next to the bed! Holy crap, what do I do? I'll tell you what I did! I SCREAMED!

Once Ron peeled himself off of the ceiling, I heard his voice saying "it's ok honey, it's just ME!" at which time he turned the light on so I could see it was only him. Whew!

I know, I'm usually the one complaining that he's waking me up when he comes to bed with turning all the lights on and all that. So, for once, the guy tries sneaking back in so as not to wake me and what do I do? I about give him a heart attack with a blood curdling scream!

So, it was a heck of a night at our house last week. Both of our blood pressures were through the roof after that fiasco! But, I did get a back rub out of it, so in the light of day, it's hard to be too upset about it.

And, from now on, maybe we come to a new agreement. If he's coming home in the middle of the night, maybe bells on his boots would be a good start. Then turning on all of the lights in the house on his way up while he sings a jingle! Like that song for I love that song! Then I'd know it was him and no screaming would be necessary.

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