
Monday, April 14, 2008

Have You Driven A Ford, Lately?

This might piss off a Ford owner or two but oh well.

For whatever it's worth, I don't drive a Ford, I've never owned a Ford and as a matter of fact, my Dad always used to say "I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford". In my younger days I was sort of afraid to go against him on the Ford issue and then by the time I bought my Honda I think Alzheimer's already had taken him to the point of no longer caring about Ford.

To be honest, I've had no feelings about Ford one way or the other aside from laughing at the jokes told at their expense like "Found On Road Dead" or "Fix Or Repair Daily". That is until recently when something has been brought to my attention about Ford.

A friend of mine said to check out the cars driving like idiots around you. I don't mean just anyone who is driving faster or slower than you are. I mean the people that anyone can classify as an idiot driving that car. Chances are, they are driving a Ford.

I have absolutely no scientific proof to back this up, just my own observations. Just in the last few weeks alone, here are some of my observations about Fords.

I posted a bit ago about that idiot flying down the road, weaving in and out of traffic in a 35 mph zone and actually getting pulled over by the police? I said I beeped and waved while going by him! Yep, he was driving a Ford.

One day last week, I was heading to work on the Turnpike. Three lanes wide, I'm in the center lane with my cruise control set at 70 mph in a 65 mph zone and there are no other cars anywhere near me. Suddenly, out of nowhere, this black truck comes zooming up on me and has to get so close to me that I no longer see headlights; all I see is his grill. Doing seventy down the freeway, and he has to ride my ass to the point of me starting to have heart failure. There is an empty lane on either side of me but he decides he wants to see if he can kiss my Honda's bumper. Finally he screeches over to the left lane and zooms on by. What was he driving? Yeah, a Ford.

Today at lunch, I ran over to my bank down the street. I have a check to deposit and I am ready to go. Deposit slip is already filled out and the check is signed. For an easy transaction like that during business hours I figure what the heck, I'll go to the drive thru teller. I'm pulling into the bank from a side street. There is a white car just inside of the driveway, just sitting there. A good forty feet in front of this white car are two open drive thru lanes and an ATM lane. Drive thru lane # 1 has a car in it so instead of leaving my car blocking traffic any longer on the side street, I pull around the white car and into drive thru lane # 2. My slips are ready, I grab the plastic thingie, put my check and deposit slip in, put it back on the launch pad and hit send. Whoosh and away it goes. Now I look behind me and the white car is just pulling up behind me and as she gets closer, she flips me the bird! WTF was that about? If you're not ready, park your freakin' car. Don't just stop in a traffic lane and expect everyone to stop traffic in the bank lot and on the street for you to decide what you're going to do. I ignored her and then the car in drive thru lane # 1 pulled out and it was only me. She stayed behind me for a minute then backed up and pulled over to the empty lane to my left. Just as she's doing that, whoosh, I have my receipt. As I'm pulling out, I have to turn left to get out, so now she is outside of my driver's window. I check what kind of car she is driving and you guessed it! It was a Ford! I smiled, waved goodbye to her and drove back to work.

I could go on and on, but try it yourself. Not every idiot driver is a Ford driver. But most of them are! Let me know the results of your own observations!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I just thought this was a strange observation you made. Then this past week I really paid attention to the crazies out there.
    It was amazing just how many of them were FORD drivers. The only exception was that for California, we also have the crazies driving Lexus and BMW also.
    Keep your eyes moving looking out for the Crazies, they are everywhere!

    Big Bro Phil
