
Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Yep, that's what my resume says. I am organized. You know what? I think I lied!

Some things in my life are organized. To be honest, I would have to say most things aren't. One perfect example is my kitchen.

I have lots and lots of cupboards. And a food pantry! But, it's the cupboards I wanna talk about. Like I said, I have lots of them.

When we moved in almost two years ago, I just started putting stuff in cupboards just to get them out of boxes, thinking "one of these days, I'll organize that better". Well, so far, I'm still waiting for one of those days! In one cupboard, I have a couple of pans. In another cupboard, I have a Pyrex baking dish and a wood cutting board. In another cupboard, I have three waffle irons and two George Foreman grills. I have rubbermaid stuff spread out into three huge drawers! What a mess! I won't even talk about the cupboards that my dishes are in! Eight dinner plates on one shelf! Six soup bowls on the shelf above it! Wow! You think I overstuffed those shelves?

The cupboard in the mudroom I'd really like to empty in order to utilize the space for the cases of water and soda that are now adorning the floor in there. But then I'd have to make a decision on where to put those aforementioned waffle irons and George Foreman grills. Hmmm, if I go to the cupboard with the Pyrex baking dish and the wood cutting board, I could consolidate both of those items on one shelf there by opening up more storage in that cupboard....

I think I have the right idea. Perhaps it's not disorganization and just plain laziness that prevents me from redoing the dang cupboards!

Oh well. One of these days, I'll have to fix that.

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