
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fade to Green

My monitor is old. I got it used in December of 1999. I guess it's done me well to last this long.

For quite awhile now, at least a couple of times a night, I get a "lightening flash" across my screen. It buzzes a little then it comes back ok. Tonight a new twist has been thrown in. I have a lovely green cast to my screen now! Get the feeling this ain't good? So much for nursing this thing through.

So, now what? Where do I even look for one of these things? Can I upgrade to one of them cool flat screen models?? Like a 21" or so?? Yeah! That's what I want!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    There is another thing that you can do if you want to wait and possibly save this one. it is called Degaussing. It is a non-invasive procedure. LOL, Kinda like waving a magic wand thingy in front of the screen and that may cure what ails your monitor.
