
Monday, February 08, 2016

Happy Birthday to ME!

It's no secret, I love my birthday!!  Why do I love my birthday?  Because I have great family and friends that remind me that I am loved, especially on my birthday!

I had a ton of phone calls, texts, emails, BIRTHDAY CARDS and Facebook messages.

Some birthday love:

You can't beat that kind of birthday love!  Unless it's with more family time!  The weekend after my birthday, I got together with family for lunch at one of my favorite places.  Good food and family.  That's a recipe for a great day, birthday or not!

Don't ask me to spell or pronounce what I had for lunch, but it was freakin' awesome!

I love my family.  The family that is mine by birth and blood and my family that is mine because they choose me.  I am one lucky woman.

Thank you to all for the messages, the positive vibes and all that good stuff.  It was a great birthday.

So, another year older.  I'm usually ok with that because I think it's better than the alternative!  But this year is different for me.  This is the year I turned 53.

Not a horrible number.  It's not turning a page on another decade.  It's just another year, the year between 52 and 54?  I'm now 53.

My sister Barbara died when she was 53.

My sister Barbara was a mentor, a role model, a friend.  Her passing was a shock and I still miss her every day.

As for the age of 53, I think now it's a superstitious thing.  When my sister Cathie turned 53, I was worried about her all year until she turned 54!  I didn't really think about it after that until I was knocking on the door of 53 myself!

I just had some dental surgery (next blog!) and don't think it's not on my mind about scheduling any kind of surgery when I'm 53!  I'm not normally a superstitious person but I think I kinda am on this point!

So, I'm 53.  I can't believe I'm going to say this, but c'mon 54!  I'm looking forward to meeting you!

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