
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Take Cover! The Sky is Falling!

Damn the storm last night rattled me, rattled my house, even rattled my cats!

It wasn't the worst storm I've ever lived through but that wind was wicked last night.  Some storms, it's better to crawl into bed, pull the covers over your head and try to fall asleep to get through the storm.

I went to my bedroom and was getting ready for bed when I heard it.  Something metallic banging outside of my bedroom window!  What the HECK!  I tried to look out the window to see what was going on but it was too dark to see anything.  I do know that just below that window is my satellite dish and in my mind, that was hanging now by a thread, making that banging metallic sound I was hearing.

The sound quieted down a bit, I crawled into bed when the wind kicked up again and BAM BAM BAM.  I totally freaked myself right out.  My imagination goes from 0-100 in 1.2 seconds.  The satellite dish is on top of a small roof that is over where the window seat in the dining room juts out of the house, which is right below my bedroom window.  In my mind, this is what was going to happen:

The satellite dish was going to come unhooked from the house, swing down on its wires and come crashing through the dining room window.  The cats were all going to jump out of the broken window, run right into the street and all get hit by cars.  See how my mind works?  I saw all of that in my head in literally less than a second.  I am my own worst enemy some days.

I got right back out of bed, made the bed back up, grabbed my pillow and went downstairs to sleep on the couch.  I figured if I was downstairs, I could be right there to stop my cats from jumping out the window and dying once the satellite broke that window!  Hey, it made sense to me.

We all made it through the night alive and with no broken windows.  I came upstairs to get dressed and I heard that damn banging again.  I thought for sure that satellite dish was swinging in the breeze.  I got dressed, fed the cats, grabbed a flashlight and went outside to assess the damage.  I was shocked at what I saw!

It's the aluminum cover over the wood of the window frame.  I should be happy that the damage wasn't worse.  The piece didn't come off totally and it doesn't seem to have taken any siding off with it.  So, I will move my bed a little, take that window out, hang out my window and nail that back onto the house.

If anyone is driving by my house and sees me hanging out that window, please do not call 9-1-1.  I'm ok and just trying to fix my window!!

Um, on the other hand . . . if you see me hanging out that window, perhaps head down, leg caught in the window?  Call for help!

Wish me luck!

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