
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Brr I'm Cold!

Monday started out so good!  I mean for real, it was a good morning!

I just woke up in a good mood.  Not an easy task for a Monday.  I worked all day and didn't have to slap anyone, no one slapped me, a good day.  I walked in the house after work and BRR, it was a bit chilly in here!

I keep my thermostat at 68 during the day, 64 at night.  I looked at the temperature in the house and it was 62 at six in the afternoon!  What the heck!  I ran to the basement and looked at the furnace.  It wasn't on fire and it was still there.  That was the extent of my expertise!  Next I did what I do best . . . I called my brother Mike.

Mike and his tools came over but alas this was more than an easy fix.  It needed parts and there was no way he could fix it that night.  He called a heating company and luckily he talked to them because I swear they were taking in another language.  I understood about every other word.

The guy didn't have the parts I needed on his truck so he said someone would be at the house in the morning.  IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!  That means a night without heat!!!  Ok, we're not exactly having arctic temperatures right now but still!  I am a wuss at heart.

My brother Mike and my niece Jenny both offered up their houses to me.  I thought I could tough it out.  Besides, I was kinda worried about the cats.  They are not used to roughing it either!

It really wasn't a horrible night, just a little uncomfortable.  I did everything I could do to make it better.  I put an extra blanket on the bed, I put a heating pad IN the bed to warm up the sheets before I got in and I even let the cats in the bedroom for the night.  Hey, it was worth it for the extra heat!  Funny side story.  All four cats were on the bed that night, but Ava was the one that figured out how to crawl under the covers with me!  I woke in the morning to see see her little head on my pillow and the rest of her under the covers.  Yeah, she's the smart one!

Luxury Heating Co and Wayne in particular are now on my favorites list.  He showed up when he was scheduled to show up, he had me up and running in 15 minutes.  I had FIRE!

Ok, it was an easy fix for him, but he took his time, looked at the whole unit and even took the time to educate me on what I should know about the whole thing.  That included going up to the second floor with me to show me how the vents are SUPPOSED to be opened!  Geez, I've owned this house for 12 years and I'm just learning now how to work the vents!  He knew what he was talking about!

All in all, Monday started good, then went bad.  Tuesday started bad (57 degrees in my house!) but ended good.   You don't know how spoiled you are until your furnace goes out.  I am very thankful to have my heat back!

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