
Thursday, July 03, 2014

I'm Blaming Phil!

My brother Phil lives with me.  For that privilege, I make him earn his keep.

One of the things he does is that he goes through my morning check list with me.  As I leave the house on my way to work, Phil reminds me that I need my lunch, my book, my phone, my keys, etc.  Hopefully I don't get to work and realize I left my purse on the table!

However, in order for this routine to really work, I need to let Phil know what I need every morning.

Mike made an appointment for Wednesday morning for service on his car.  When he's getting his car serviced, I pick him up on my way to work and then take him to pick up his car after work.  That works both ways as Mike has picked me up in the morning when I needed it.

That was the plan.  Then stuff happened!

Wednesday morning was an emotional morning.  Aside from my four cats, I am fostering a fifth.  She had an appointment to get spayed on Wednesday.  My friend Bobbie was picking her up at 7:00 am, taking her to Love a Stray who was sponsoring her spaying.  It makes me emotional sending a cat for surgery, even when it's the right thing to do.  But, I digress.

Bobbie picked up Jasmine and there was nothing for me to do about her until Bobbie brought her back to me after work for her recovery.  I was pacing the house and finally thought that was ridiculous.  I might as well put my nervous energy to good use.

I packed myself up and just went to work early, before Phil even came down for breakfast.  I got to work at about 7:30, the phones hadn't started ringing yet, no one needed anything from me, I could just dig in, with no interruptions and actually get WORK done!  I was in the zone!  I was working it!  I was accomplishing things!  Life was good!

Then my phone rang at 8:30 and it was Mike.  This can't be good.  He usually only calls me in the morning if something is wrong.  Here is our conversation:

Me:  Hey, good morning!  Are you ok?
Mike:  Yeah, I'm ok!  Um, did you forget to pick me up?
Me:  Shit.  I'm on my way!

According to the plan, I was to pick Mike up at 8:15 at the garage.  Luckily it wasn't far from work and we were able to make it back before the production crew showed up.

I on the other hand, didn't hear the end of it from Mike, and rightly so.  It's ok though, I blamed it on Phil!  It's all his fault that I forgot about picking Mike up.  Hey, at least I didn't make Mike walk to work!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I also had such a nice brother who reminds me on everything I have to do or take with me. My Phil is my notebook, not a computer, I mean a notebook made of paper. I feel lost without it.
