
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Turn on the A/C Because Christmas is Here!

Seriously, I went to Sam's Club on Monday after work. I am not ready to be seeing this on October 14th.

What ever happened to waiting to start Christmas after Thanksgiving?? Heaven forbid that we don't all bow down to that almighty dollar.


  1. Could be said by me. Christmas decoration before Totensonntag (Day of the deceased, Sunday before the first of Advent) is respectless and I don't really want to see this before this date or before Thanksgiving which might be on the same date as our Totensonntag.I use to refuse byuing any Christmas stuff earlier than this date.

  2. Have a merry happy christmaween, Ree!

  3. Yeah.....we went in to Harborcreek's Walmart on October 4th and they had all their Christmas trees up and decorations out too!! This is ridiculous....not even Halloween and they are selling this stuff!! I wish people would just get sick of the Commercial Christmas and remember the real reason...BOYCOTT ALL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS PURCHASES!!!
