Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting at my desk working away when suddenly I heard it. Tick . . . tick . . . tick. You heard me. It went tick . . . tick . . . tick. Seriously, what in the heck.
After the raccoon coming through the ceiling recently, all I could think of was that something was walking up over the drop ceiling and was going to fall on my head any minute! Tick . . . tick . . . tick. GRRR
I stopped what I was doing and looked behind me up at my one ceiling tile that has been broken for a long time. If something is coming through my ceiling, that's where it's going to happen. Good news / bad news is that it wasn't anything walking over the crop ceiling. It was a BUG! A BIG BUG! And the ticking I kept hearing was this bug hitting the plastic cover of my ceiling lights!
My next thought was holy crap there is a huge bee in my office! I grabbed my phone (I don't know why!) and I ran to the doorway of my office. I don't know what I thought I was going to do there but I felt safer.
I watched this dang bug keep slamming himself into the ceiling light. Finally, he came to a stop on a ceiling tile. Against my better judgement, I had to walk closer to see what kind of bee it was. MUCH to my surprise, it wasn't a bee at all, but a STINK BUG! It's been all over the news about the stink bugs this year. We have had more than our fair share of them around. Well, now one of them found his way into my office.
This is not the picture of the actual stink bug that was in my office. At least I don't think it is the same one. This one just hitched a ride on my car recently. But in case anyone doesn't know what a stink bug looks like, this is it!
I'm afraid of a lot of things but I really didn't think I was afraid of a stink bug. I put my phone down, put my big girl panties on and came up with a plan. I grabbed a small plastic cup and some paperwork off of my desk. I got up on a chair, put the cup over the stink bug sitting on my ceiling and then used the paperwork to slide between the cup and the ceiling, trapping the bug in the cup.
Without breaking my leg, I got off of the chair, took the cup and paper to the front door and released the stink bug! I was SOOO proud of myself! I came back into the building, shut the door and not one minute later, Mike came out of the shop and went out to his car for something. He came back into the building and went back to the shop as I went back to my office to finish what I was doing.
Then, there it was again. Tick . . . tick . . . tick. CRAP.
I look up and sure enough, a stink bug, hitting himself again and again against my light covering on the ceiling. I really have no idea if this was the same stink bug that followed Mike back into the building or if it was second stink bug.
I grabbed the plastic cup out of my recycling bin, grabbed my paperwork again and got the chair ready. Once again, I put the cup over the stink bug, used the paper to trap him inside of the cup and walked his little butt outside. This time however, I didn't just release him outside of the door, I walked him to the opposite end of the parking lot! My good deed for the day!
That was supposed to be the end of my story. Unfortunately, I keep seeing the title of this post and it reminds me of an old ditty. I've had this little thing stuck in my head for more hours than I can count! Go ahead and watch it if you dare! Then, I challenge YOU to get that song out of your head.
You're welcome!
Ugh, if I had known that these are STINK bugs I hadn't grabbed them with my hand some days ago and thrown them out of the house. I will never touch them again! Ewwwwww!
ReplyDeleteHUGS my dear and brave friend!
Love the video, so funny!
It's ok as long as you don't squash the stink bug. If you squash him, he WILL live up to his name!!
ReplyDeleteRon and I used to sing that little ditty all the time. Once you see it, you can't get it out of your head!! I hope you enjoy it!!!
HUGS!! :)
ReplyDeleteAnnMarie! My kids sing that stupid little song. All. The. Time. I was all impressed with their silliness thinking that they invented the damn thing! LOL! Miran-DUH!