
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

On the eve of 50

I told you getting older was not for sissies.

I went to my first physical therapy appointment on Monday morning.  From what the therapist was saying, "frozen shoulders" are not that uncommon.  What seems to be uncommon is getting "frozen shoulders" out of the blue and not from an accident.  Leave it to me to get them out of the blue.  Whatever.

I was twisted and poked and moved and measured.  All the while she was explaining how my shoulders are going to get worse before it gets better.  And, that getting better part?  It's about 6 months to a year before that happens.  Seriously.

I can't even put my thoughts into words here.  I barely held on to make it to the doctor's appointment.  Now I'm told that too bad so sad, it's going to be awhile before you get relief.  And, that relief won't come until we make you much worse first.  Really?!!

So I did my exercises and was rewarded with a heat pack around my neck since now my neck is as tight as steel bands.  That was the best part of the appointment.  I had the heat pack while she did an ultra sound treatment to my right shoulder.  I'm sore as all get out now but I'm told I have to work through it.  Sounds like fun, huh?

The therapist suggested I buy a contraption for home that mirrors some of the treatment I got at therapy.  I look at this thing and all I can think of is that if I bought this when I was 25 it would have a whole NEW reason for being used.  I buy it today and now it's used as old lady exercises.  Oh the horrors.

In case you can't figure this out, it's a pulley system to try help exercise my shoulders.  Like I said, at 50, it's to exercise my shoulders. 

I think now this is going to be a touchy subject for me.  Lucky for you, I don't think I'm going to be posting updates on this. 

Lucky for me I have cats that keep me stocked in stories to tell.


  1. Is Just after Midnight for you, and wanted to leave you a message of


    Brother Jim

  2. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Happy birthday, Ree! My dear friend, you are the best! And get well with your shoulder. Hugs!

  3. Anonymous1:28 AM

    You should have some pain meds until the shoulder gets better. Seriously. I thelps keeping you exercising and moving your shoulder. Poor Ree!

  4. Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!

    And, Georgia, I agree. Pain meds might help but alas that doesn't seem to be in their plan. They just plan for the pain part!

    But thanks for the happy thoughts!

  5. Hope you had a Happy Birthday!!

  6. I did! I did!!

    And since I celebrate for the entire month of January, I STILL am!



  7. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Just wanted to leave some hugs for you here: HUGS!!!!

    At work from morning till evening... going to answer as soon as possible. <3
