
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Beat by an 80 year old with a walker

As you may remember, Mike and I for activity points in our Weight Watchers journey have been walking together in the morning before work.  If you've been following my weight tracker over on the right, I have just been maintaining these past few months.  I'm beyond frustrated.  But I digress.

It's not Weight Watchers' fault that I am just maintaining.  It's all my fault.  I have developed better eating habits.  I KNOW I eat better and make a lot better choices about what I shove in my mouth on a daily basis.  However, not all of my decisions are good and I know I've been a slacker when tracking my points.  And, another area that I have been a slacker in is activity.  Hey, let's be honest.  Some days I'm happy to be able to drag myself into an upright position and keep putting one foot in front of the other just to get through a day.  You want me to exercise on top of that?  Some days that just ain't happening.

At least when Mike and I were walking together, it helped put my mind into it.  I wasn't doing it alone.  I had a reason to show up to walk because someone was waiting on me.  Well, then the mornings got darker faster and it started to get dang cold!  Needless to say the walking has stopped.

We looked into walking at the Midway Mall.  Did you know the mall doesn't open until 8:30 in the morning?  I thought they opened early for walkers!  8:30 is NOT early enough!  So, Mike looked into the local YMCA.  Hey, I'm broke and cheap.  I have a treadmill at home in my living room that I don't use often enough.   I paid enough money for the treadmill, I refuse to pay money to join the "Y" and not use that too.

However, because of our insurance coverage at work, we are allowed to use the "Y" on designated days for free.  Ding Ding Ding!  FREE!   My favorite price!  So, Mike and I said pain be damned, we needed to get back on track.  Literally.

We met this morning before the butt crack of dawn at the "Y" just to walk on the track.  The good news is that it was a nice track.  Nice and flat, no obstructions, no loose dogs, no cars.  Very nice!  And a lot of people at the "Y" exercising at this unholy hour of the morning.  There is quite a cross section of people I saw at the "Y" today.

The track is on the second floor of the "Y".  Half of the loop is above the basketball court where a grade school aged young man was shooting hoops the entire time we were walking.  The other half of the loop goes right through the room with the machines.  And damn there are a LOT of machines, none of which I have any idea how to use.  The people on the machines are quite a cross section of people.  I saw young 20 somethings, 30 somethings etc etc.   And, these people are all over the spectrum in body shapes and sizes as well.  What surprised me is the large population working out at the "Y" that had to be at least 70 years old! 

I'm impressed with anyone that has a good workout ethic.  Heaven knows I struggle with this.  When you see these 70 and 80 year olds come in and walk right up to the machines and start working out, well, that is impressive!  Like I said, I don't know how to use any of those machines and I see these lively senior citizens going from machine to machine, wiping them down like pros when they are done.  And there is me.  Walking in a circle around a track.

Meh, I'm ok with that.  I am a simple person, I need simple things to do.  The track is two lanes wide, you walk on the right, pass on the left.  Ok, I'm jiggy with that.  But what really gets my goat is being passed.  By a guy that has to be 80 years old.  Using a WALKER! 

C'mon folks.  That's just wrong!

I have a lot of work to do.  I'm going to have to put the pain aside and work through it. At least until I can kick that old man's ass!  I am pumped people!  Just watch my weight tracker now!


  1. I was going to tell you that I thought the track at George Daniel Field opened at 7 or 730a, but then realized that you were looking for somewhere inside to walk. Duh. Is the track at LCCC open to the public? Maybe you should go out to Splash Zone and swim instead of walk for the winter.

  2. We thought about LCCC as well as that's right in the neighborhood! We just haven't checked on that yet. And, there might be a problem with getting OUT of the water and heading to work if I started going to Splash Zone! That might be TOO much fun! (I'm going to look into that too! Thanks!!) :)

  3. Glad you made it to the Y! I guess I have to get there a little earlier if I want to see you guys though. Maybe join me for an Aqua Jog class sometime, it's loads of fun. :)

  4. Hi, Jenny! Now THAT sounds like fun!! Meet us there Tuesday at 6:10 am!!! :)

  5. Anonymous1:59 AM

    O dear, I must confess that I hate every sort of sports. I admire your power! After work I'm almost too tired to get myself out of the chair to any training.

    I hopefully manage to answer you mail today or tomorrow. You know, I'm correcting tests all around the clock... *Giggle* I think we both had the same idea....

    Hugs! Hugs! Hugs!

  6. LOL! Great minds thinking alike, huh?!!

    Hugs back to you!
