
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Share and Relish - Brussel Sprouts!

It's time to share and relish!!  This time, brussel spouts!  I know it's a simple thing, but this recipe has a back story.

My sister-in-law went to Trader Joe's the other day.  She saw these huge brussel spout stalks and had to get one for me.  In case you didn't guess it, I LOVE brussel sprouts!  I'm not very creative with them, I only cook them two ways.  One way is simple, steam them and add some butter, maybe garlic.  Another way is to pull all the leaves off of the heads and fry them like we do with cabbage.   That is a lot of work pulling all of the leaves off of the heads but dang, is it good.  Hmm, maybe I'll have to show you that recipe.  It comes out great!  When my sister-in-law brought me the stalk of brussel sprouts, she told me that HER sister made them by baking them.  I guess she coats them in olive oil, add some garlic salt and bake.  I'll have to try that and let you know how that comes out.  MMMM  I do love brussel sprouts!

Here is a simple recipe for steaming the sprouts.

First, the huge freakin' stalk!  I have never seen them grow before so this was a surprise to me!  This thing was easily two feet long!

I started by cutting off the heads from the stalk.

Then I rinsed them in a sink full of cold water.

After they drained in a strainer, I started to clean the sprouts.  I cut across the stem, then peeled off the outer leaves.  These sprouts were rather large, so all of them got cut, either in half or in quarters.

I put them in my steamer, and cooked them for 19 minutes.  Here I have a bowl of steamed brussel sprout goodness!

I used to slap some butter and some salt on here and smack down.  But, now I do my Molly McButter instead of butter (zero points in the Molly McButter!) and I added some garlic powder.  The Molly McButter is tasty but it's kinda salty.  Hence, I used the garlic powder instead of garlic salt. 

OMG was it good!

Simple, filling and downright yummy.  Steamed brussel sprouts, one of my favorite veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yummy! The simple recipes are always the best and you need not much for such a tasty meal apart from these really fresh Brussel Sprouts. In Germany they are called "Rosenkohl", which is translated cauli rose. This is an idea for next week! Today we have lettuce with lemon cream dressing and pancakes with bacon. Maybe I can post some pics.
    Thank you so much for your nice mail. I'm going to answer and check it out as soon as possible. This morning I am not well: Some poisoning from the paint I used yesterday. :(
    Have a wonderful sunny Sunday, Ree! <3
