
Monday, September 10, 2012

I Do NOT Like My Neighbors

HA!  Right away you are thinking I'm talking about my neighbors across the street, aren't you!  Well they need to be a blog unto themselves.  But that is not the direction I am going with this post.  I'm talking about a neighbor that is either newer to the neighborhood or one I just noticed recently.

We have skunks.

Ok, I think skunks are kinda like in the cockroach family.  They are EVERYwhere in this world.  But it's one of those animals that you don't see.  You might smell it once in awhile, or see one smooshed in the middle of the street, but you don't see them running around often.

A couple of months ago, Ron and I were sitting on the porch about 10:00 pm while he was having a cigarette.  I happened to turn around, and coming from the alley across the street to the alley on our side of the street was a mother skunk with four or five babies following in a line right behind her.  WTF!  That was something I have never seen!  And that was something I could have lived a lifetime without seeing . . . in MY neighborhood.

So there ya go.  That was just a fluke, right?  They were just passing through, right?

I haven't mentioned this lately, but I'm a bit anal retentive with a touch of CDO.  In case you didn't know that already.  My night time ritual is going around and making sure the windows are closed and locked and that the doors are locked.  I also give the neighborhood a once-over through my windows, making sure there is no police activity currently happening in front of my house.  I can't TELL you how many nights I look out the windows on my way to bed and see skunks!  Right by MY house!

I have seen them walking down my driveway, in front of my garage and searching for grubs or whatever throughout my yard.  I am very careful with the cat food I put outside, making sure I bring it back into the house before it's dark.  I want to attract all of the neighborhood cats but not the neighborhood skunks, raccoons, rats, mice, slugs or whatever.  Cats only.  I put signs out but none of the animals seems to read them.  But, I digress.

I don't think it's the cat food attracting the skunks.  I think they just love me and my yard.  What the heck!

I keep screaming to Ron every time I see a skunk outside and last night, they were right next to his car and I MADE him get out of bed to look!  I'm sure he believed me but I was starting to feel like I was making this stuff up.  And, since I don't know how to use any settings on my camera other than the "macro" setting, here is the best shot I got of two skunks in my yard!


Um, I added the arrows to make sure you could see the white stripes in my back yard.  I first caught these two from the bedroom window.  I ran downstairs with my camera and tried to take the picture out my dining room window.  I know enough to know that I wasn't going OUTSIDE to try to take this picture!  I sat on my window seat with Benny.  He saw the skunks through the window and he seemed to be a little too excited about getting out that window to go meet these interlopers.  I was afraid I would lose Benny through that window if I were to open it to get a flash shot of my skunks.  So this was the best I could do.  I know, I suck.

So there you go.  I do NOT like my neighbors.  More than just the ones in the house across the street.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I must say, you can see those two skunks if you click once and enlarge the picture. They are really there.

    Big Bro Phil

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Oh dear! I'm not experienced with skunks. There are no skunks in Germany. But I think I wouldn't like them either. Maybe you should try loud and arhythmic music. A friend once frightened away martens on his attic by always playing Tom Waits "Blood Money" (not sure about the album, because Tom Waits also made many music I really love) after the martens did not care for loud rock music.

  3. Sorry, it was me with the last comment....

  4. Ree,

    The skunks are more afraid of you than you are of them (it could go either way in your case :) ). If you were to open your door or make noise, they would run away.

    Most skunks give a warning by stomping their front feet, raising their tail and walking stiff-legged. Spotted skunks even try to bluff by doing a handstand on their front legs and lifting their tail but they don't spray.

    As for your camera, there should be a button that says ISO on it. If you raise the ISO number to its highest level, you should be able to get better night shots. ISO 100 is good during the day, ISO 1800 and up is much better at night and low-light settings. It'll be grainy, but it'll show what you're shooting.

    Be careful of the food you put out, because they'll find any crumbs left behind. I used to put peanuts outside the patio for the squirrels but the raccoons, possums and skunks would partake as well. So now the squirrels have to visit the feeder.

    Good Luck!

  5. HA! Mark, it's hard to imagine ANYTHING being more afraid of me than I am of it!! You do know me!! :)

    Since I was sitting safely inside of the house, I'm not sure if the skunks ever knew I was there. I don't want to get close enough to find out for sure!

    But THANK YOU for the tips on the ISO setting! I found that on my camera and I'm anxious to go outside and try it! I have quite a few settings all the way up to 6400. I will give them a try and see what I come up with.

    Thank you again!! That is a huge help!
