
Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I struggled for the last 24 hours trying to decide if I wanted to make this public and put this information on the blog.  Then, I thought "what the heck"!  I've put the rest of my weight loss journey on this blog, I might as well share the good news too!

Let's go back two years.  I was told I was a Type II Diabetic.  Such a WTF moment!  I was 47 years old and due to a lifetime of bad decisions, I was now a diabetic.  To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement.  I watched my Dad die of this disease, one piece of him at a time.  I KNEW that was my future and that scared me to death.

It's been a long road of trial and error and good intentions gone wrong, but I finally feel that I am on the right track to make a lifestyle change. I have learned that healthy eating and exercise are a MUST in every one's life.  I will continue to eat blueberry pancakes at Pete's and I will continue to eat pretzels and ice cream.  But along with these treats I've learned that I need to eat a lot more vegetables and just make better choices about what I eat.

Exercise?  No matter how much it hurts, you have to do it.  I don't have to like it, but I have to do it. 

But now I can say that after two years, I have beaten it.  I can now be called a FORMER DIABETIC!!  For real!  My A1C test came back at a 5.2!!  That is freakin' huge, people!  My first A1C test two years ago had me at over 10.  That means my average blood sugar was over 200.  Not good.  My last A1C test last year had me down to 6.5.  I was really close to a normal person but I still had work to do.  As of yesterday, my A1C was 5.2 which means I am OFF of my meds and now calling myself a FORMER diabetic! 

I am so excited I could just PEE!  That is excited!

Was it easy?  No.  Am I done?  Far from it. 

It will be too easy to say ok, I'm here now I'm done.  But I can't do that.  I will be back at my doctor's office in six months (January 11th, mark your calendars!) and have another A1C test to make sure I am maintaining my numbers.  Maintaining hell, I better be in better shape that I am now.  At least that is my goal.

So, there you go.  Hard work, determination and the help from my family and friends got me to where I am.  Like I said, it's not over and it will be a lifetime of trying to make more good choices than bad, but I am hopeful that I will continue on my path to better health.

But for today, I am SO proud of myself and SO happy with what I have accomplished.  It took me longer than I thought it would, but I am here.  And I do NOT plan on going back!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! You should be very proud of yourself! That is an awesome achievement!

  2. Thank you! I am over the top excited about this!!!


  3. Hearty congratulations, Ree! This was really hard work and I admire how you made it without any complaining. Great!
    I keep my fingers crossed that you will manage to stay on your path!

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I am so proud of you, myself a diabetic, Type 2, my first A1C was 8.5, three months later went and it was 6.3, then just today got my 3 months bloodwork results and I too, and 5.2, doctor wants me to go off the janumet, I am scared and nervous at the same time. I lost 50 lbs. I go to the gym on a regular basis. I will still eat the same, and continue to go to the gym. I am relieved in one sense, but like I said nervous too. Doctor wants me to check my sugar with my monitor 2x a week still. How are you doing so far, so good to chat with someone that had diabetes as well. I was just diagnosed in Feb. so I did alot of work in a short time. Didn't think I could do it, but I did and I came along way. We just have to stick with it and we will be just fine. Happy for you!!!

  5. Thanks for stopping by, Anon and congratulations to YOU!!

    It took me two years to get off meds. I wasn't as committed as I could have been.

    But now you're right. We just have to stick with it! We can DO it! Just remember, try to have more good days than bad and we will be ok. Keep up the exercising. I am so proud of you!!

