
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Princess for a Day

Months ago my sister in law brought me a tiara to work.  She said I deserved the tiara because I was the Queen of the office!  I truly try to be my brother's right hand and some days I think I succeed.  I do know that some nights, his hours have been shortened because I have taken all of the crap daily paperwork off of his desk so he can do the more important work that he is supposed to be doing.

I know my sister in law appreciates the hard work I do because she gets to see her husband more when he is in town with me at work doing his paperwork!  So, the tiara was much appreciated.

I wore it that day and since, it's hung proudly from the corner of my monitor at work, just to remind me that I may not be a full blown Queen but I AM the Princess! Some days that is the pick me up that I need.

Well, yesterday was one of them days.  We all have them.  Nothing went right. Then people started yelling at ME!  What's up with that?  I hate being yelled at.  I was PMS-ing it, probably a little overly emotional and I wasn't having any of it!

I saw that tiara sitting there and I thought that's JUST the pick me up I needed.  So I put my tiara back on.  Ok, the guys I work with know I'm crazy.  I'm jiggy with that. After the first laughs were out there, I kinda forgot I had the tiara on.  Then the UPS guy shows up.  It's one thing when the people  you work with day in and day out KNOW you're a little nuts, but when strangers come into the building and figure out I'm nuts, well . . . . that's another thing.

UPS guy now knows I'm not right.  Then our uniform guy showed up.  The look on people's faces is too much!  To give credit to these guys, they see the tiara, they know something is up but they are trying to be gentlemen and not bring it up.  All the while staring at the tiara.  Gotta love them.  The locksmith we had in yesterday had NO problem talking about me and my tiara!  Ok, I had to laugh, every time someone came to the door.  Regardless, the tiara stayed on.

And, since I forgot to take it off before I left, I now know why the lady in the car next to me was looking at me funny at that light.  Whatever.

It made my day better.  Instantly.  Maybe we all need to be a princess once in a while.  Thanks to Mary Jane for the tiara!  If anyone needs to borrow it for a day, I'd consider it my moral duty to lend it to someone else who is having a bad day.  It really does work!

Unfortunately, this picture was taken with my phone so it's not the best. But, it's me . . . . WITH a tiara!!  Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. OH, Ree, you cracked me up, you made my day. This story is soooo funny. And I love you with this tiara on your head. You deserve it! I tell you a secret: I'm as nuts. And I'm always there if there is a nice prank to commit, a nice one. Thank you for this story. I'm going to work now with a smile on my face.
