
Saturday, March 03, 2012

Mornings Sometimes Suck!

I've told you that this week I've been having some extra trouble sleeping because of the scary movie issue.  It looks like less sleep than usual has taken its toll on me.

My normal morning routine is that I get up off of the couch, feed and water the cats, turn the house alarm off and then set the dish outside for Hemingway my outside cat.  Hemingway will be at my front door waiting on me by 6:00 a.m.

The other day I had most of my routine down pat.  I got up.  Check.  Fed and watered the inside cats.  Check.  Went to put the bowl out for Hemingway.  Check.  OOPS!  I forgot to turn the house alarm off.

It sounded like all hell broke loose around here.  We have sirens in the house as well as in the garage.  When they both go off, there is probably no one around in a four block radius that didn't know I f-ed up.  Ok, I'm sorry to the few neighbors who are left that were probably trying to sleep at 6:00 or so in the morning.  What I felt worse about was the fact that Ron and Phil were upstairs with at least one of them still asleep.  Oops.

With the alarms going off, I was afraid that I'd have two half naked men come running out of their rooms to come and see if I was ok.  I am yelling up the stairs that there is no need to be alarmed, it was me forgetting to shut the alarm off!  All was well!!  I ran upstairs, disarmed the alarm and tried to shove my own heart back in my chest!

Who needs coffee on a day like this?  My blood pressure was up and running and a few gray hairs have taken up residence on my head.

But I'm getting better.  The movie is losing its hold on me and I am almost back to sleeping like I was.  So, once again, to my neighbors, To Phil and Ron, I am sorry.  No one should be woken up like that!


  1. Ha ha, could be me. I'm as batty sometimes and therefore I'm glad having no alarm. At least everybody came to work in time. ;o)

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    And here I just thought it was my morning alarm. I do sleep soundly and was not bothered by such a noise at my due time. All is well and another time may have been different.

    Big Bro Phil
