
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Warm, Photo Challenge

Warm.  With this crazy weather we've been having, I am having a hard time getting into the spirit of this one.  Originally, I thought of my favorite down coverlet.  That is warm!  Or my Snuggie!  And yes, I do own one and I love it!  But, I digress.

Warm.  I was cooking dinner and I realized if you stand too close to the stove, you do get warm!  Gotta love a gas burner!

Note to self:  Watch how close you get your camera to an open flame.  This is NOT a macro opportunity!  Ouch!

Then, this is how me and Penelope are every morning and every evening.  She is better than a warm blanket on my lap, I'm telling you!

You ever try blogging with a cat on your lap who thinks one of your hands should always be petting her?  Good thing I love her!


  1. Crazy woman and fire. Yoy!
    Set your camera on macro then zoom in. :-)

  2. DOH!

    I knew I was doing something wrong!

  3. I miss my doggies. I used to snuggle with them when sittingat my computer or when I as just relaxing. And yes, they are better than the thickest blanket. I miss them so badly...
