
Friday, February 24, 2012

Sweet Memories, Photo Challenge

Before we started this challenge I was looking at the list, and this one kinda worried me.  Sweet memories.   This week, it all came together.

I was at the grocery store the other day and I saw something by the bread.  I was just walking by and I swear, I spotted this from the other end of the aisle.  Just looking at it, I said to myself "self, that looks just like paska!  Paska in our home is also known as Easter bread.  Mom would make it I believe on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday).  That's the only time of the year my Mom and/or my Aunts would make this bread and it was wicked good!  You never turned down a piece of paska!  I got closer to the item and LOOK what I saw!

When I turned it around and saw it said PASKA I let out a little yell!!  This sacred bread was not originally sitting on a beer case in the store.  I put it there for the photo.

This little loaf of bread just brought back such good memories of my youth.  I see Mom hurrying around trying to get all of the food ready to put in the basket on Holy Saturday afternoon.  Dad would then take the basket to our Church for the Easter blessing.  You couldn't make it through an Easter without blessed food.  There would even be a salt shaker and a stick of butter in the basket along with the sweet Italian sausage, the Polish sausage, the hard boiled eggs, the cetetz (don't take points away from me for not knowing how to spell in Slovak!) and of course the yummy paska.  This brought back some sweet memories for me.

Then, I was at Kohl's.  I was over looking at purses (I need a new one!) and I walked by the wall of hats.  To most people, this is just a wall of nice Sunday-go-to-meeting hats.  To me, this was an afternoon of fun.

My sister Barb and I used to go "bumming" years ago.  Bumming is just aimlessly going from store to store, not really shopping for anything in particular, pretty much just spending a day together goofing off.  Whenever we were bumming in a store that had hats, Barb and I would stop and try them on!  Ok, now that I think back, I think she made ME try on more hats than HER, but try on hats we did.  The bigger and more outlandish the better.  Feathers were always a winner.  Glitter and sequins?  You betcha!

These hats are pretty tame for Barb's standards, but we would have stood there and tried them all on anyway. 

Barb has been gone for 11 years now but I'm telling you, this wall brought it back like it was yesterday.  I miss you, Barb.

Definitely sweet memories.


  1. Love never dies. It's the same with me and my father. I can understand which big loss this is and how painful it is still today. I also miss my cousin of Erie, Mary Kappelt Skol. She died a few years ago. I miss her emails, her phone calls. everything.
    I also love hats, but morre these ones which are like hats for men. Unfortunately today's fashion isn't good for wearing hats. - Would love to taste the paska bread. never heard of it. Looks yummy.

  2. Those are some sweet memories, for sure. Maybe you'll have to pick up the Easter bread tradition.
