This is not the way I was taught.
I was taught by my Dad, up on Footmill Road in Erie. A road in the country with no traffic, long and straight so you'd get the hang of it. I feel I am a good driver, even though I was taught by family and not by a "school". My driving record speaks for itself. Three accidents, all of them deemed by police to NOT be my fault. I was hit by an idiot driver in each instance. Speeding tickets = 1 and that was 12 years ago, and no other moving violations. That's a pretty good record for 33 years of driving.
I am not mentioning the name of the school on this car because I don't believe this guy was qualified to teach anyone to drive so I will not give him any free advertising.
Here are my helpful hints to this poor young girl trying to learn since her instructor missed giving her the BASICS.
The speed limit on Broadway is 25 mph. You were doing at least 35 from this light down to West Erie Avenue. All those little signs with the 25 mph on them actually mean something. I know very few drivers pay attention to them, but that is the speed limit.
When you are coming to a light, there is a big thick white line painted on the road in your lane. This is called a STOP BAR. This bar tells you where to stop if the light is red. This is a safety measure that you obviously weren't taught. When you stop more than 10 feet in FRONT of the stop bar, you are in an unsafe area. The cars that are on East Erie Avenue and turning south onto Broadway need that space to make the turn. When you pull up too far, that narrows the lane for the traffic to turn. You need to stay behind that bar! Also, if there is a cross walk at that intersection, the stop bar will keep the cross walk open for pedestrians.
An example of this stop bar is up in the picture. The SUV in the left lane has their front tires beyond the stop bar but at least they seem to have stopped before the cross walk.
Then again, this is Lorain Ohio. I've seen numerous cars that pay no attention to speed limits. Most of the people here I'm sure have never heard of a stop bar even though they see them dozens of times a day. Hell, it seems like they've never heard of a stop SIGN so why should they know about a stop BAR?!!
Maybe it's an Ohio thing and that's how they teach you here. This place does seem to have more than its fair share of bad drivers.
I'm off of my soap box now. Go back to whatever you were doing!
LOL, everywhere the same kind of trouble. I'm very annoyed by drivers who can't wait and who are tailgating you all the time only because you are driving properly. Thes people must be ill in their heads. Not to talk about stop bars and red traffic lights. "rolling my eyes"