I work for a small company. Being small, we all wear more than one hat.
I always joke that my job description is Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Purchasing, I water the plants, sweep the floor, clean the bathroom, make the Gatorade, and anything else my brother, I mean my boss, deems necessary. I'm jiggy with that!
I am usually the first one at work in the morning. As soon as I walk in, I walk through the building turning up the thermostats, turning on the lights and starting every one's computers. This morning as I was walking through the lab, I hear water running. It was coming from the bathroom in the lab so I went to investigate.
The toilet was running. Should be simple. I did what I could do, then continued on my rounds.
When my brother, I mean my boss, got to work, I told him about the running toilet. He went to check it out but came back and said that nothing was wrong with it now. Taa daa!!! I had fixed it!!
Ok, I jiggled the handle but was out of there before the tank refilled and the sound of running water stopped. It doesn't matter. It counts in the "I fixed it" column.
Yeah, that is SO going on my resume! Now I'm maintenance, too!
Congratulations!!! The "Lube Queen" strikes yet again!!!