
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Does This Make My Ass Look Big?

Well, my ass IS big, so it should LOOK big!  But, I digress.

Friday I was at work when some guy came to the front door.  Our usual visitors to the front door are FedEx and UPS.  This guy definitely did not work for either of them.

He was looking for a woman that does not work in this building.  I have heard her name, but I do not know which building she works in.  I told him what I knew which was next to nothing.  He said he needed a number to get a hold of her.  Yeah, can't help you.  What part of I don't know was confusing?

Then, the big insult.  He asks me if I have any coffee.  I said yes, I have my cup on my desk.  He then handed me a business card with a phone number written on the back.  He actually gave me directions on how to call his number.  Please, I'm a woman.  Telephone 101 is in my DNA.  Anyway, he said that he also is somehow involved in selling this amazing product.  He asked if I'd believe that coffee could make me lose weight!  WHAT?  I said no, I don't believe that!  He said it's true and if I'd only call that number, I'd learn all about it.

Yeah, I think not.  He went on to tell me that they also sell creamers and sweeteners that believe it or not, will make you lose weight!  He said again, "can you believe it".  To which I plainly said "no".  Whatever.

He gave me his card and I threw it in the garbage!  Yeah, I'll get right on that call!  But for real, I know I have a big ass.  It's not up to a total stranger to let me know I have a big ass though.  Next thing he's gonna tell me is I'm old.  No kidding.  Tell me something I don't know.


  1. I would start carrying my gun to work if I had characters like him walking through the door!!! WTF???
    Obviously a real loser as a salesman too!! Your ass is not as big as this guy and I'm surprised that once you knew he was a jerk salesman, you didn't tell him to get out and don't come back. I love you and your ass just the way you are!!

  2. Cathie3:56 PM

    I think you're BEAUTIFUL!!!

  3. Put it out of your mind, Ree. Someone trying to make a buck.

    Did you know coffee can make you look younger?

    With me not drinking it, and all the grey I have, that could be true!!

