
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Customer Service Done Right

Some people have it, some people don't.

That is very evident now that I'm living back in the north. This was one good part about living in the south. They take their customer service seriously!

Then you move back to the north and I swear, most people in Ohio have never heard of the words "customer service".

I'm not so naive to believe that the customer is always right, even when that customer is me. However, I'm the one spending my hard earned money in your establishment, so is it too much to expect you to give me your undivided attention for the 30 seconds it takes to take my money? Really, am I asking too much?

I hate going to the grocery store to have the high school cashier so busy talking to the cashier next to her or the kid bagging the groceries and doesn't even acknowledge my existence. HEY! I'm spending money here! A simple "hello" would go a far way! Heaven forbid I get a "were you able to find everything ok?" It beats the hell out of having to hear about how much she drank at the party last night or how she made out with that cute guy at the party. Yeah, like I need to hear that.

I know, I can go to the self check outs and not have to worry about being ignored by the cashiers. But, you know what? I figure that I'm spending enough money on my groceries that I shouldn't have to ring myself up and bag up my groceries to boot. You want ME to do all the work, then I should get a discount on my groceries. If I'm paying full price, I want full service.

There is one bright spot to my customer service disappointments. Did y'all ever shop at Sam's Club in Elyria?

The next time you're there, look for Margaret at the front door. Margaret is both retired and widowed, and decided that she didn't want to waste her life away at home alone. So, she got a job at Sam's Club as a greeter and greet she does! Margaret had gone through some health issues and was off of work for almost a year but Sam's Club was smart enough to bring her back to her job. She is definitely an asset to their organization.

Margaret greets everyone with a smile, a heart felt "how are you" and for some of us, one of the best hugs ever! I tell her that she is the reason I'm at Sam's Club every week, her hugs are that good! I was just there last night when I got the idea that I need to tell everyone about Margaret!

So, the next time you're at Sam's Club, look for Margaret and see what customer service is all about. She makes you feel happy about spending your money at Sam's Club. Isn't that what customer service is all about?


  1. I love Margret hugs!

  2. Just my 2 cents worth again but this time on another subject. After you get such service at the checkout counter, is there not a long counter with a sign over it saying customer service? If I got such a brush off from cashier, my next stop is at Service Desk to complain even before I leave the store.

    I too can say I have been introduced to and have rec'd a Margaret Hug! And i do not live there, just visited

  3. I have been dealing with two different companies from the south ordering things ( more on that on my blog) but I have to say they have even called AFTER they were delivered to see if I was happy with the product..... they were gracious and helpful wow!
