
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Moon Pictures

I received an email this week that included some fantastic pictures! My first thought was this should be a PhotoPhun challenge. Then I thought this is way beyond my capabilities as a photographer and probably beyond the capabilities of my digital camera.

So, I tried to copy and paste the pictures in emails. That didn't work so I tried to just forward the email to people. That didn't work either! I have to share these pictures since I think they are absolutely fantastic! However, I do not know where the pictures originated nor can I give them proper credit. If anyone knows anything about these pictures, please let me know. This is some wicked talent!

So, in lieu of my emails yesterday, here are the moon pictures.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to share these! They are AWESOME!!!! What a wonderful imagination this artist has!

  2. There's no reason we couldn't try that for a challenge. We'd need at least one full cycle to work on it, I think. Want to set it up?

    I see pictures like this on Spaceweather from time to time, but I don't know if that's where these originated.

  3. Anonymous4:37 AM

    your photos are beautiful,you have a great capability as a photographer :-) the result is really wonderful!

  4. Anonymous5:17 AM

    this idea is just amazing :D I love love love it!
