It's been a tough week around here.
I came down with a bug on Sunday. I kept thinking it was because the Superbowl game did NOT come out like I wanted it to. Then I thought maybe I just ate too much. Then I thought maybe it was just because I was so worried about Benny. Regardless of the reason, I have been SICK this week.
I left work early on Monday. Ron and I both thought if I just laid down for awhile and took a nap, I'd feel better by the time my digital camera class started that night. Ron gave his best effort at getting me up in time for class, but my body said no. There was no way I was climbing up and out from under the two comforters I was wrapped in and going anywhere. It was not a pretty sight. So, I was sick. Still am, but I am better.
So let's back up to Monday morning. I had an appointment for my Benny to be neutered and his front claws taken out. In theory, this was a great idea. In reality, knowing that I was going to cause him such pain was almost unbearable for ME. I cried more in two days this week than I can remember in a long time. Taking up his food when he had to start his fast started me crying. Taking up the water a few hours later, another flood. In the morning, watching Benny stand where his bowls go and meow at me that he's hungry had me sobbing. I am a wreck!
Finally, Monday morning, I got him in his carrier and was going to take him to the vet's on my way to work. I don't know who cried harder on that drive, me or him. I gotta give a shout out again to the staff at Pet Med. They did everything but make fun of me standing there and crying over handing over my baby. I signed all of the paperwork and handed Benny over. If you own stock in Kleenex, I'm sure their stock went up this week.
We got Benny home the next day and aside from the guilt I feel about making him go through this, he has been a little entertaining. The pain meds must be kick ass! He's not so sure footed right now and he's fallen off of the foot stool a few times. This morning, we gave him his pain meds and you could absolutely see it kicking in. Suddenly, his eyes roll back in his head and he drops where he is. Poor baby! I was talking to him and you could see him trying to open his eyes, but it wasn't happening. One eye would partially open but then you'd see his eye cross. Yeah, no focus! But, aside from being a little slow right now, he's doing much better. We have one more day of pain meds and hopefully he'll be back to his old playful self.
I know that spaying or neutering is a responsible pet owner thing to do but geez, that was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I was wracked with guilt over the declawing. Was that really necessary or just for MY comfort? Being sick on top of all this was not fun. Tuesday, Benny and I spent our day cuddled up together snoozing in my chair. Not a bad way to spend a day.
Now it's over. I think I still call Benny a him but with or without nuts, I love him. I can't believe the difference in my life that a six and a half pound little guy made in my life. Hopefully the rough days are behind us now.
Another shout out to my sister, Cathie. This poor woman has been on call for me 24/7 this week. Anytime Benny moved, I was on the phone with her. She talked me through a rough couple of days. Sometimes she just listened to me cry. Thanks, sister! With or without nuts, I love you too!
I hope you and Benny are feeling better. Sorry to hear you missed your class, too. I know how much you were looking forward to going.