
Monday, January 24, 2011

She Kicked My Butt - And I Thanked Her For It!

Not only did I thank her, I paid her $5 for the pleasure of having my butt kicked, too!

My friend Linda heard about this new exercise craze called Zumba. Well, it may not be new but it's new to us! She wanted to try and asked if I'd go along. I thought what the heck, the treadmill is beyond boring and easy to get fed up with, so I'll try it. Hey, I'll do almost anything once!

Last Thursday, Linda and I met up at the old YMCA in Lorain. We walked in to our first Zumba class! If anyone out there doesn't know what Zumba is, from the flyer it fuzes hypnotic Latin & International rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that will BLOW YOU AWAY!

So far, so good. I went to class last Thursday and again tonight. I don't know about the mumbo jumbo I just copied from the flyer but I will tell you, this is the most fun filled hour of my week! The music is LOUD and POUNDING and if that alone doesn't make you get up and dance, nothing will. Don't know the steps? That's ok, follow along and do the best you can. It's too fast for you? It's ok, slow down and go at your own pace. I have found out that I have less rhythm that I thought I did but I don't care and neither did anyone else there.

A wide range of people take these classes. There are older and younger than me as well as in much better and in much worse shape than me. People are too busy following the instructors and hooting and hollering and having such a great time to pay much attention to the fact that I don't always know my right from my left.

Does this class kick your ass? Absolutely. Is it fun? No doubt about it. Will I do it again? I sure hope to get in two classes a week! Does it hurt? Well, right now I'm having a little trouble controlling the pain level. As long as I don't move or walk I'm fine! But this is only my second class. After my first class, I felt the same way the night of the class as I do right now but I was much better the following morning. What the heck, my back and foot hurt every day anyway, so I figured this isn't going to do me any harm and I might just have myself a little fun.

If you're interested, check out this web page. This much fun should be illegal! I know it's only been two classes, but I'm telling you, if you don't join me in Lorain for some Zumba, do a web search and find some Zumba classes by you. I promise you, you won't be disappointed!

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