
Monday, October 18, 2010

Surprises In My Window

Ok, I'm almost embarrassed to post these pictures after the picture Lisa put on her blog last week about this very thing! But, I gotta tell you this story, so overlook the bad picture!

We only live a couple of miles from Lake Erie. I know that the closer you get to the Lake, the bigger and badder icky stuff gets, like spiders, bugs, rats, etc. I don't know whether to blame the Lake on this year's spider infestation or if there is some other reason I should be attributing all of my unwelcome guests.

I am a huge believer that if a spider is inside my house, Ron should whack him. That's just the way it is. However, outside should be their territory and I really try not to mess with them in their own territory. I'll give them a wide berth and live and let live. I seem to have broken my own rule about this though.

They are everywhere, surrounding my house. At night, it is a horror movie waiting to happen. I look at a side of my house and I can't count how many spiders are on the side of my house. Then, when I think I've never seen a bigger spider, I look again and the next spider six inches away is even bigger! EWW! Like I said, I try to give them a wide berth.

But they have had my doors surrounded. I can't live with that. I will not walk through spider webs to get into and out of my door, plus having these dang things drop on you as you walk through a door way. I have taken to spraying spider spray around my doorways just to get them to back off. Ok, and around my mailbox. Nothing is worse than reaching into your mailbox to get your mail and bringing out a huge spider along with the bills! NO! I will not put up with it. I am so getting the heebie jeebies over here just thinking about it!

I know, you're saying that I should just leave the bills inside of the mailbox and be done with that part. But, I never know when my next sweepstakes win will come in so I have to check my mailbox!

Now, to my story. I have two side by side windows in the kitchen over my sink. I have to be careful about opening these windows in the summer time because invariably, the inside sills to these windows are covered with dead little gnat like thingies. I just assumed these things are so small, they get in through the screen and then get stopped by the window. If I'm opening these windows, I need to bring my vacuum in first to suck up these dead bugs and take a wet paper towel to clean up in there. It's really gross. I've stopped using these windows for the most part because I'm tired of cleaning up dead bugs!

Then, recently, this is what was in the right side window! INSIDE as in between the freakin' screen and the glass!

Ok, I don't know exactly what it is, but it's dead and it's wrapped in a cocoon of spider web. Oh, the horrors that were happening right inside of my kitchen! Or at least inside of my kitchen windows. I am so grossed out by this I can't even tell you. I know nature and all that but eww! I wish I could go back to my naive days of thinking all of those bug carcasses on the window sill were just unfortunate bugs that starved to death after getting stuck in there. I don't want to think that I've been cleaning up after this spider's meals for a long time now. O M G.

A day or so after this little present was found in my window (which by the way, I've left there!) this little beauty showed up in the left side window. I was downstairs sometime in the early evening and this guy was looking in the window at me.

Sorry, but this is too close to INSIDE of my house for my comfort. I closed the blind so I wouldn't have to look at him, but I was going to be damned if I was going to open the window to do anything about him.

What did I do? I cried to Ron, of course!

The next day the first package in the right side was cleaned up by Ron. (thank you, honey!) He said he tried to find the spider but he must have been hiding so as far as I know he is still alive and well in my window. It's a good thing that it's almost winter because I'm ready to nail that window shut.

Some days, I hate nature.

1 comment:

  1. Next time you go to take pictures of the spideys in your windows, try putting your camera lens right up against the window once you get a good closeup focus. It will help you stay steady and usually give you good results. I would never have gotten the shot I did without a window between us & my super macro setting. Thanks for the mention :-)
